Old Covid-19 incidence rate

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.02.21 19:09
Available languages
coronavius, covid-19, covid19
Quality scoring

Dataset description

### Actions of Public Health France Public Health France’s mission is to improve and protect the health of populations. During the health crisis linked to the COVID-19 outbreak, Santé publique France is responsible for monitoring and understanding the dynamics of the epidemic, anticipating the various scenarios and putting in place actions to prevent and limit the transmission of this virus on national territory. ### The Tracking Information System (SI-DEP) The new screening information system (SI-DEP), which has been in operation since 13 May 2020, is a secure platform where the results of the laboratory tests carried out by all city and hospital laboratories for SARS-COV2 are systematically recorded. The creation of this information system is authorised for a period of 6 months from the end of the state of health emergency by application of [Decree No 2020-551 of 12 May 2020](https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000041869923) on the information systems referred to in Article 11 of Law No 2020-546 of 11 May 2020 extending the state of health emergency and supplementing its provisions. ### Description of data This dataset provides information at the departmental and regional level: — the daily and weekly incidence rate per age group; — the daily and weekly standardised incidence rate; — the sliding standardised incidence rate. This dataset provides information at the national level: — the daily and weekly incidence rate by age group and sex; — the daily and weekly standardised incidence rate; — the sliding standardised incidence rate. The incidence rate corresponds to the number of positive tests per 100,000 inhabitants. It shall be calculated as follows: (100000 * number of positive cases)/Population **Accuracy**: — From 29/08 onwards, laboratory data indicators (SI-DEP) show rates of incidence, positivity and screening adjusted for screenings conducted at airports upon arrival of international flights. — For more information, see the methodological note available in the resources. **Limits**: — Only the biological tests of persons for whom the residence department could be located are shown on the maps. Persons whose department could not be traced in the SIDEP data are counted only at the whole French level. As a result, the sum of the tests indicated in the departments or regions is less than the number of tests indicated in France. — The time limit for repeating tests may exceed 9 days in some cases. The indicators are adjusted daily according to the receipt of the results. ### Notable changes Since 8 December, after verifying the quality of the reported data, all results of RT-PCR or Antigenic tests have been included in the production of national and territorial epidemiological indicators (incidence rates, positivity rates and screening rates) relevant to the monitoring of the COVID-19 outbreak. On the other hand, the epidemic is prolonging in time and screening capacities have increased, leading to an increasing frequency of people tested several times. Thus, an adjustment of the methods of splitting for patients benefiting from repeated tests and therefore the definition of the persons tested was necessary. Public Health France, in its patient-centred epidemiological approach, has therefore adapted its methods to ensure that these indicators reflect, in particular, the proportion of infected people among the population tested. These developments have no impact on the trends and interpretation of the dynamics of the epidemic, which remain the same. More precise test data (impact and positivity) are also published by [Santé publique France](https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/organizations/sante-publique-france/) (SI-DEP data).
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