Outlines of agri-environmental and climate projects (APEC) CAPTAGE issue in Brittany in 2016

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2020.01.24 13:07
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passerelle-inspire, captage-deau, donnees-ouvertes, pesticide, eau, farming, politique-agricole-commune, bretagne
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Dataset description

Outlines of agri-environmental and climate projects (APEC) CAPTAGE issue for which the specific measures of the ECAP issue UAE are complemented by those relating to the reduction of pollution by plant protection products in the areas of ' feeding of catchments concerned by this problem. The territories s' support areas of priority actions (PAA) UAE which aim to regain the quality of water and soils with: — l' improvement of the environmental performance of production systems to limit the risk of soil and water pollution — the preservation and management of wetlands to limit the transfer of pollutants to water — preservation and management of bocage to limit the transfer of pollutants to water. The operations mobilise measure 10.1 of the Regional Rural Development Programme (RDP) of the Brittany region, validated by the European Commission in August 2015. This programme mobilises the European Fund for Agriculture and Rural Economic Development (EAFRD), 2014-2020 programming, for which the Brittany Region is the managing authority. __Origin__ The Brittany region, in consultation with the project leaders, the DREAL and the DRAAF, decide on the perimeters bearing the stakes (biodiversity, water, phyto and catchment). These perimeters are based on hydrographic contours (BDCARTHAGE and water masses under the Framework Directive on Water — WFD) and/or the municipal administrative boundaries of BDTOPO (IGN). L' Source attribute specifies, for each territory, the benchmarks used. The territories at stake are stabilised for the 2015 and 2016 campaigns. The perimeters are integrated into the ISIS application for the DFAIT file investigation. __Partner organisations__ DRAAF Bretagne __Links annexes__ * [Internet DRAAF — Agri-Environmental and Climate Measure (DFAEC)](http://www.draaf.bretagne.agriculture.gouv.fr/Mesures-Agro-Environnementales-et,203) [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/bbcfaab39a5fd0ce6c537d8dec387b1d857397b9)
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