Parcoursup 2018 — wishes for further study and reorientation in higher education and institutional responses

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.10.07 19:13
Available languages
voeux, recherche, bts, paces, uai, admissibles, offre, education, formations, cpge-integree-a-luniversite, endo-recrutement, etablissement, proposition, citoyennete, gouvernement, formation, etablissements, admis, dcg, demande, parcoursup, ecole-de-commerce, cpge, etudiants, enseignement-superieur, boursiers, enseignement, licence, dut, capacite, orientation, finances-publiques, deust, places, administration, rang, voeu, sts, propositions, boursier
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Dataset description

This dataset presents the desires for further study and reorientation in higher education as well as the proposals of the institutions for each training — excluding apprenticeship — at the end of the process of assigning the platform Parcoursup for the 2018 session (from 15 January to 21 September). The data are taken from the 2018 Parcoursup platform and are frozen as of September 21, the date corresponding to the end of the Parcoursup assignment process. * * * This dataset presents the 2018 Courseup data for the pre-registration to the 2018/2019 academic year of graduate students who have obtained the bachelor’s degree, reorientation students and former bachelors in resumption of study. The Parcoursup application is the service accessible since January 2018 via a website of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Parcoursup allows students to apply to pursue their higher education by making wishes. This dataset consists of the 812,082 candidates — including 641,200 new bachelors — having issued at least one wish of orientation validated in the main phase, among the 10,697 courses — excluding apprenticeship — offered on the orientation platform Parcoursup. The information is accessible according to the host institution and the training: * The name of the establishment and its n°UAI * The region, academy and department of the institution * The training requested, aggregated and detailed * The number of places (reception capacity) * Number of wishes received by sex and baccalaureate series * Number of greetings classified by the host training institution * Number of proposals made * The number of admissions by sex, the baccalaureate series and the mention awarded * The rank of the last called * The number of high school fellows for terminals and higher education for reoriented students * Number of endo-recruitments (for BTS and CPGE) It thus makes it possible to observe for each training present in Parcoursup and for each host institution the demand and satisfaction thereof; the profiles of candidates and admissions, as well as other results at the end of the assignment process. Parcoursup is the national pre-registration web portal for higher education. It is an intermediary between candidates and higher education; candidates can do without Parcoursup or enroll in a course that is not listed in Parcoursup. For example, some institutions recruit outside the Parcoursup assignment process: Paris Dauphine University, a large part of business schools, some engineering schools, IEPs, some private or specialised schools (art, architecture, paramedics,...). Parcoursup is for anyone who wishes to enroll in a first year of higher education. This mainly includes neo-Bachelors, Reorientation Students and Foreign Students. They must validate their wishes to receive an assignment. A candidate can make up to 10 non-hierarchical vows in the main phase. Attention, for some trainings, the wishes can be multiple: each multiple vow is composed of sub-wishes that each correspond to training in a given institution. This is the case, for example, for engineering or business schools which are part of a national competition.
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