Dataset information
Available languages
limousin, poitou-charentes, aides, aquitaine, society, pierre, passerelle-inspire, delegataires, donnees-ouvertes
Dataset description
This dataset contains the location of the delegates and the indication of the attachment of the municipalities to a delegate of competence.
Attention, this dataset is not exhaustive on the SALW perimeter, it concerns the perimeter of the former Aquitaine region.
The Law of 13 August 2004 on Local Freedoms and Responsibilities allows the State to delegate to the Public Institutions of Intercommunal Cooperation (EPCI) and to the General Councils who so wish the management of aid to stone. These communities are called delegates of competence.
The delegation of competence includes the management of stone aids for social housing, aid to the public; improvement of private housing and rental-accession arrangements.
At the end of 2010, 28 general councils and 78 EPCIs (61 communities of agglomeration, 12 urban communities, 5 communities of municipalities) were delegated powers. The aid they grant represents 50 % of the budget of #x27; intervention of the NAAH.
Within the framework of the delegation of competence, the local authorities decide on the grant of grants to the private dwelling, intended mainly for occupant owners, landlords and co-owners’ unions. They most often entrust to the local delegations of the Anah, located within the Departmental Directorates of Territories (DDT), the administrative tasks related to the processing of requests for assistance. However, they can perform this function directly. In delegation of competence, Anah plays a role of support and advice to communities, via DDT.
When there is no delegation of competence, it is the local delegates of Anah in the region (prefect of region) and in the department (prefect of department) who, in connection with the local authorities, manage the aid for the private park. Outside the delegation of competence, the partnership between the Anah and the local authorities is essentially formalised through the implementation of the programmed operations, in particular of #x27; Programmed Operations of #x27; Improving #x27; Habitat (OPAH) and Programmes d' General Interest (PIG).
The delegation of competence takes the form of a 6-year agreement. The agreement is signed between the president of EPCI or the general council and the prefect of the department, local delegate of the department; Anah in the department and representative of the State for the social park. It specifies the distribution between the appropriations devoted to social housing and those allocated to private housing.
For delegated EPCIs, the delegation agreement s' builds on the detailed content of the Local Habitat Program (PLH). The PLH is the tool for defining, programming and steering local policies for habitat. It is compulsory for EPCIs and, outside EPCI, for municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants.
For the delegated departments, the delegation agreement details the orientations of the local policy of the territory; habitat to be carried out on the territory, sets out the operations to be programmed and indicates the means to be implemented to carry them out.
This JDD was created on the perimeter of the SALW region during the heritage harmonisation project. it is produced from the assembly of data from the former Aquitaine region.
__Partner organisations__
DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine/MiCAT/PIG
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