Partial SALW: General Interest Program (GIP) — Perimeters and Municipalities

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:48
Available languages
society, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset contains the perimeters of the Programmes d'General Interest (PIG) and the #x27; indication of the connection of the municipalities concerned by a PIG to the SALW region. Attention, this dataset is not exhaustive on the SALW perimeter. It concerns the perimeter of the former Aquitaine region. Created in 1977, the planned operations of ' improvement of housing (OPAH) have been the main tool for the rehabilitation of urban centres and rural villages for thirty years. D' other tools have been created to respond to territorial, technical and social specificities: declination of OPAHs (rural, urban, degraded condominiums), Programs d' General Interest (PIG) and Thematic Social Programmes (PST). Since the intervention projected on a given area, generally large — large agglomeration, basin of #x27; extended habitat, or even department, these territories with no significant urban and social dysfunctions, justifying a project of ​​#x27; together — falls within the scope of the General Interest (PIG), a particular problem to be addressed, of a social or technical nature, the OPHA n°#x27; is not an adequate tool, and must be preferred to it the procedure of the Programme d’#x27; General Interest (PIG), defined by regulation by n°#x27; Article R 327-1 of the Construction and Housing Code (C). The general interest (PIG) programme is a programme of actions initiated by local and regional authorities benefiting from#x27; an agreement for the delegation of aid to stone. It aims to provide solutions to specific problems in the field of ' improvement of the number of dwellings; housing in housing units or d' buildings at different scales (agglomeration, basin of #x27; habitat, canton, country and even department). Thus the field of intervention can be the housing of students, young workers, the elderly or the disabled, the reduction of the number of vacant dwellings, l' increase in the number of housing for social purposes or the fight against the diffuse unhealthy... In addition, exceptional situations resulting from a disaster, whether natural or not, can be dealt with in the context of a PIG. The duration of the IMP is free, at the discretion of the local authorities, taking into account the context and local issues: one year, 3 years or more if a contractual framework is defined in advance between the programme partners. For the record: the General Interest Program is to be distinguished from the Project d' General Interest, also called PIG, provided for by the Code of Urbanism. __Origin__ Genealogy is described for each associated dataset sheet __Partner organisations__ DREAL Nouvelle-Aquitaine/MiCAT/PIG __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( [See this page on](
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