Perimeter of the Territorial Development Directive (DTA) of Northern Lorrain Mining Basins (since GEOFLA repository)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.05 08:23
Available languages
donnees-ouvertes, planning-cadastre, usage-des-sols, passerelle-inspire
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The dataset contains the perimeter of the Territorial Directive d'' Development of Northern Lorrain Mining Basins. The Territorial Directive d''Aménagement des Bassins Miniers Nord-Lorrains was approved by decree in Council d'' State dated 2 August 2005. Thus, the new doctrine of constructibility in mining basins, which serves as the legal basis for the establishment of Minier Risk Prevention Plans (PPRM), is validated. Developed within 4 years of its launch, it is the second approved DTA in France. This directive lays the foundations for reflection to accompany the development of the Belval West project on the territory of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. In order to allow the necessary transformation of the mining basins, it gives the impetus for the development of rail transport capacities, Moselle canalised, but also the A32 motorway. It also deals with the consolidation of economic development poles, the preservation of l’'' environment and landscapes and water resources (source: DREAL Lorraine website, February 2012). Additional information about the dataset can be accessed from the &quot section; Dataset Files; the metadata sheet. Files contained in the dataset: * dta_perimetre_fla.TAB: DTA — DTA Perimeter (GéoFla IGN), __Origin__ GENEALOGY: The data were produced by DREAL Lorraine to make the map contained in the official document of the DTA. DATA QUALITY: The perimeter of the DTA, aggregation of communes, is available in a file made with the BD CARTO IGN and in a file made with GEOFLA IGN. Responsible for the dataset in DREAL Lorraine: Michel ANTOINE (SCELA/DADT) __Partner organisations__ DREAL Grand Est [ex-Lorraine] (Regional Directorate for the Environment, Environment, Planning and Housing Grand Est), JOGUET-RECCORDON __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [description and visualisation on the DREAL Lorraine website]( * [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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