Perimeters of countries in Moselle

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:45
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, pays, donnees-ouvertes, planning-cadastre
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Dataset description

Established by the law of #x27 February 1995, the concept of a country was specified in the law of 25 June 1999 and its decree of 25 June 1999 and its decree of 25 June 1999 and its decree of 25 June 1999 and its decree of 25 June 1999 and its decree of #x27; guidance for the planning and sustainable development of the territory (L.O.A.D.D.T. No. 99-533, the Voynet Law) of 25 June 1999; application (Decree n°2000-909 of 19/09/2000) A country, within the meaning of the Law of #x27 February 1995, is a territory with geographical, cultural, economic or social coherence. The law of 25 June 1999 makes the country a real project territory, based on local will. The country is thus a project space for which public and private actors build from local potential a sustainable development project. On the basis of the delimitation of 'a perimeter of #x27; study adopted by the Prefect of Region, set up a development council that draws up a charter for the sustainable development of the country and gives an opinion on any question of the territory of the country. Subsequently, a management structure is set up, the country’s managing body, which sets out the guidelines of the charter into a programme of actions, the country contract. __Origin__ Countries described by their constituent municipalities, by aggregation of the municipalities of the geographical repository BD Carto de l'IGN __Partner organisations__ DDT Moselle __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Country perimeters]( [See this page on](
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