Perimeters of risk and commercial polarity of the PLU of the Métropole de Lyon

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2023.03.26 00:06
Available languages
occupationdusol, localisation, urbanisme
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Technological Risk Scope: Different protection zones either close (ZPR) or remote (ZPE), specific remote (ZPE1), protection (ZP) subject to special protections. Attribute TYPROCED = ZPR, close protection zone Attribute TYPROCED = ZPE, remote protection area Attribute TYPROCED = ZPE1, specific remote protection area Attribute TYPROCED = ZP, protection zone Or Flood risk perimeters (non-domanial streams): Perimeters in which the constructions must respect a minimum of 10 meters from the axis of the watercourses. Attribute TYPROCED = RISQINON Or Perimeters of risk of field movements The right-of-way of a geographical area, to which specific regulations apply depending on the slope, the nature of the soil and the subsoil of the land and the hydraulic conditions of the area. Attribute TYPROCED = GEOL1, prevention zone Attribute TYPROCED = GEOL2, vigilance zone Or Trade polarities Perimeters where constructions for commercial use are allowed under conditions, provided that their sales area per commercial unit is at most equal to the ceiling indicated in the commercial polarity plan when they are located within a commercial polarity perimeter. Outside these perimeters, the ceiling is set at 300 m² per commercial unit. Outside these perimeters, the ceiling is fixed by the regulations of each zone. TYPROCED attribute = limit values
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