Perimeters of surveillance of ‘Plum pox virus’, causative agent of ‘sharka’ disease in 2013

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.28 06:45
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes, agriculture-sante-vegetale, health
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Dataset description

Sharka is a nuclei fruit tree disease caused by a virus called "plum pox potyvirus". It is the most serious virus disease affecting tree farming in Europe. The disease is transmitted during grafting or by aphids. The symptoms are visible on the leaves and on the fruits. L' Ministerial Decree of 17/03/2011 defines the prospecting and control of the disease. Annex 1 to this Ministerial Order lists species susceptible to the virus. Prospecting is carried out by FREDON (research within orchards of symptoms). Following a confirmation of a contamination outbreak, zones are delimited by the Regional Food Service (SRAL) of DRAAF Alsace. These areas are of two types: — a focal area of 1 500 m around the source of contamination — and a security zone of n°#x27;a distance of 1 000 m beyond the focus perimeter. These zones are the subject of a prefectural decree in general l' year following that of prospecting, which defines the control plan: — cutting and devitalisation of any contaminated tree within 10 days of an orchard and 3 days in nursery, — or grubbing up if more than 10 % of the trees are contaminated in a plot (possibly after harvesting the fruit). __Origin__ The GIS layer represents the perimeters of control of the sharka disease virus. The detection of contaminated trees was carried out by FREDON, as such, by SRAL — DRAAF ALSACE. The focal areas are demarcated around these contaminated and geolocated trees (range of 1.5 km radius, on the other side of these outbreaks). For safety zones, the same is done according to a radius of 1.5 km to 2.5 km. This zoning was carried out by SRAL — DRAAF ALSACE. __Partner organisations__ DRAAF Alsace __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( [See this page on](
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