PMI CD76 Health Checks Maternal Schools 2018a2020 20210831

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.09.01 00:00
Available languages
geospatial, enfance, pmi, utas
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This file provides information on the health checks carried out by the PMI with children aged 3 to 4, in kindergarten, in the Department of Seine-Maritime, by UTAS, during the school years 2017-2018 to 2019-2020: number of tests, number of children with sensory disorders (child’s hearing and vision), behavioural problems, language disorders, or status-weight abnormalities (child’s overweight or obesity). Metadata [Link to metadata]( Additional resources * Website public health documentary portal France: <HTTPS://PORTAILDOCUMENTAIRE.SANTEPUBLIQUEFRANCE.FR/EXL-PHP/CADCGP.PHP > The documentary database of the National Public Health Agency proposes in particular a study entitled “PMI 3-4 year old health bilans at nursery school in Hauts-de-Seine, France: synthesis of studies 2005 and 2010 and perspectives”, which provides a relative point of comparison with the situation in Seine-Maritime. * Website of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health: <HTTPS://SOLIDARITES-SANTE.GOUV.FR/PREVENTION-EN-SANTE/SANTE-DES-POPULATIONS/ENFANTS/ARTICLE/DEPISTAGES-ET-PREVENTION-CHEZ-L-ENFANT > This page of the Ministry’s official website offers many documents, downloadable in pdf format, related to screening and prevention in children. * Map of UTAS: <HTTPS://SERVICES-EU1.ARCGIS.COM/NT9PZCZX9TZ2K5LQ/ARCGIS/REST/SERVICES/UTAS_76/FEATURESERVER > The Territorial Social Action Units (UTAS) are perimeters for the implementation of departmental social action. You can consult the map of the UTAS of the Seine-Maritime Department on this site. It is possible to view the attached data and UTAS perimeters at the same time (see [online help](
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