Ports — Normandy

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.09.24 02:06
Available languages
transports-maritimes, equipements-de-transport, transports, donnees-ouvertes, mobilites, donnees-regionales-de-reference
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The ports of Normandy The data does not fall within the scope of the Inspire Directive. **Collection context** Coming from the grouping of Ports Normands Associés (Ports of Cherbourg and Caen-Ouistreham) and the Mixed Syndicate of the Port of Dieppe in 2019, Ports of Normandy has the mission to manage and develop in port infrastructures of regional scale to optimise the operation of Norman ports and give them more weight at national level. [Ports in Normandy](https://www.normandie.fr/equipements-portuaires) Ports of Normandy is: * 6000 direct and indirect jobs (INSEE study 2016) * EUR 410 million invested in Normandy between 2007 and 2020 * 100 ha dedicated to Marine Renewable Energies and 2 future maintenance bases * 2 million trans-Channel passengers per year * 7 million tons of goods per year/Almost 60 cruise stops per year and more than 150,000 cruise passengers * 3,200 recreational rings, dry harbour and 33,600 overnight stays * 1/3 of the fishing tonnage declared in Normandy * A complete naval repair offer The Region is launching the first work on 3 mobility pools in the fall of 2022 with the EPCI. The objective is to build operational mobility contracts with the territories, which will have to be based on a diagnosis of mobility on this new scale. To enrich the basin’s state of play, future working meetings and the final contractual document, the mapping tool will be of great importance to facilitate the understanding and reading of the issues shared by the EPCIs. Map: Transport infrastructure. Show the reinforcement and mesh of existing transport infrastructure on the mobility pool. Map existing in terms of rail, road (departmental, national, motorways, airports, ports (+ if possible European and national cycling network)). **Collection method** Creation of the base by gathering different information by the Infrastructure and Studies department of the Normandy Region. Creation of a unique code for the port with the INSEE code of the municipality and a letter for the port type: * C Cruise * F Ferry * N Navette * P Fishing * PL Pleasance **Attributes** | Field | Alias | Type | | — | — | — | | ‘CODE_LIEU’ | | ‘varchar’ | | ‘NOM’ | | ‘varchar’ | | ‘TYPE_AUT’ | ‘varchar’ | | ‘AUTOR’ | | ‘varchar’ | | ‘CROISIER’ | | ‘varchar’ | | ‘FERRY’ | | ‘varchar’ | | ‘NAVETTE’ | | ‘varchar’ | | ‘PECHE’ | | ‘varchar’ | | ‘PLAISANC’ | | ‘varchar’ | | ‘CP’ | | ‘double’ | | ‘COM_NV’ | ‘varchar’ | | ‘INSEE_NV’ | | ‘varchar’ | | ‘howair’ | ‘varchar’ | For more information, see [the metadata on the Isogeo catalog](https://open.isogeo.com/s/117146d833e7419b90b7a3390530e52b/xgwHHRasDEucGqtwQUaGEE8ys55j0/r/a9347bb70c9a433b86fba13ed4bf8ff2).
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