POS de LES GRANGES Gontardes 26145 — Simplified revision 22/12/2009 — FIN of VALIDITE: 05/12/2016 Updated

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2020.02.17 06:42
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geoscientific-information, donnees-ouvertes, risque-zonages-risque-naturel, passerelle-inspire
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Dataset description

GIS and PDF data set of Documents d'Urbanism of Plan d'Occupation of Soils of Gontardes GRANGES 26145 POS approved on 15/10/1987 — Simplified revision approved on 22/12/2009 Enforceability on 07/02/2010 — FIN of VALIDITE: 05/12/2016 Updated __Origin__ Information provided by the risk office, the structuring of which has been taken over according to the COVADIS PPRN data standard, completed in Midi-Pyrénées, according to the production specifications SIG PPRN (DREAL Midi-Pyrénées). This digitisation carried out as part of the DREAL market, by GB-Infographic, has been checked by DDT 65, and corrected if necessary. Some points, however, differ from the opposable paper plan, and are mentioned below: * Water courses that do not generate regulatory zones, are not captured, yet they appear on an opposable plane. * D' other water courses on the opposable plane are not seized, c' is mainly at the municipal boundary, south of zone G2, RS 00224; to the south and north of zone G1, RS 00223 and to the east of zone T1, RS 00226. C' is also the case on the red zone T1, RS 00228, where the course d' water is not digitised while#x27; it is on the opposable plane. * Red areas mentioned on the plan are not seized because they are located outside the municipality, according to the municipal boundaries of the BD-Parcellaire 2013. The communal limit used on the enforceable plane differs. C'is especially the case at the;is the courses of water; water and zones T1: RS 00102, RS 00110 and RS 00207. * Also due to the difference in communal boundary, part of the course of water n' is not captured, in the west of zone I1, RS 00143. * The red zone T1, RS 00243, is digitised on the basis of a course of water, although it is difficult given the quality of the opposable plane, to determine precisely the delimitation (X=465 900 Y=6 221 164). * At the eastern tip of zone I1, RS 00158, is mentioned by an arrow a blue G2 zone, according to the opposable plan. This tiny area, invisible on the plane, is considered a hardware error, and is not digitised. * Red zones I1, RS 00119 and RS 00219 (X= 467 620 Y= 6,220,860), are only visible on the general plane, and n' appear on the P2 board. Digitisation had to be done solely on the basis of the general plan. * On the Mongie sector, zones A1, RS 00046 and RS 00048, n' have no label indicating the type of zone. These two zones are digitised as a zone A1 information provided by the risk department. * On the Mongie sector, zone RS00013 (X= 469 730 Y= 6 205 435), is considered an A1 zone (information taken from the risk department), whereas on the plane, the separation between zones A1 and X1 n' is not net (zone RS00013 north of the course of water). * On the Mongie sector, the white zone RS 00058, is presumably a clerical error; this area is subject to a strong hazard, depending on the department in charge of the risks. __Partner organisations__ DDT Drôme __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view](http://ogc.geo-ide.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/csw/all-dataset?REQUEST=GetRecordById&SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2&RESULTTYPE=results&elementSetName=full&TYPENAMES=gmd:MD_Metadata&OUTPUTSCHEMA=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd&ID=fr-120066022-ldd-81bea87b-b7c6-447e-af3d-8ecf213605fa) * [COVADIS data standard: Risk Prevention Plan PPRN PPRT](http://geostandards.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/afficherPageStandard.do?lot=Plan-de-prevention-des-risques-PPRN-PPRT) * [major risk site in Hautes-Pyrénées](http://www.risquesmajeurs-hautes-pyrenees.pref.gouv.fr/) [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/9a489b947cf4a0920381767aad4e21c37185fea7)
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