PPR SAINT-PIERRE-D’IRUBE (64DDTM20060003) — Risk Prevention Area of SAINT-PIERRE-D’IRUBE (64496), department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.
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Area exposed to one or more hazards shown on the hazard map used for PPR risk analysis. The map d'random is the result of the study of hazards whose goal is to evaluate the intensity of each hazard at any point in the zone of study. The evaluation method is specific to each type of hazard. It leads to the delimitation of a set of zones on the perimeter d'study constituting a graduated zoning according to the level of l'aira. L' attribution of Â#x27;A level of #x27; hazard at a given point in the territory takes into account the probability of #x27; occurrence of the dangerous phenomenon and its degree of Â#x27; intensity.
For multi-random PPRNs, each zone is usually spotted on the d'aira map by a code for each hazard to which it is exposed. All hazard zones shown on the hazard map are included. Areas protected by protective works must be represented (possibly specifically) because they are always considered subject to the hazard (case of rupture or d' inadequacy of the work).
Hazard zones can be described as elaborated data as they result from a synthesis using several calculated, modelled or observed data sources. These source data are not affected by this class of objects but by another standard dealing with the knowledge of hazards.
Some areas of the perimeter of the study are considered as ‘zero or insignificant hazard zones’. It is the areas where the hazard has been studied and where it is zero. These zones are not included in class d'objects and n'are not to be represented as zones d'aira. However, in the case of natural PPRs, regulatory zoning may classify certain areas not exposed to the hazard zone as a prescribing zone (see ZonePPR class definition).
Tables of areas exposed to one or more hazards, shown on the map of hazards of the PPR.
Warning: The data disseminated are informative and not enforceable against the third party. The GIS data has been standardised from the numerical data used in the development of the approved NRPs. We do not guarantee their completeness and accuracy in relation to enforceable documents. Official and enforceable documents against third parties can be consulted at the City Hall or the prefecture.
COVADIS standardisation of the PPRn digital data of the departments of the Aquitaine region (in 2014).
The boundaries of a zone d’#x27;aira are represented on the map of hazards according to the level of l'random. In other words, polygon objects representing zones d'random form a partial coverage of the studied area of which each cover element is a closed polygon in which hazards have the same level of ' intensity. In other words, the criterion for cutting the zones d'random is the level of l'random.
__Partner organisations__
DDTM Pyrénées-Atlantiques
__Links annexes__
* [XML metadata view](http://ogc.geo-ide.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/csw/all-dataset?REQUEST=GetRecordById&SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2&RESULTTYPE=results&elementSetName=full&TYPENAMES=gmd:MD_Metadata&OUTPUTSCHEMA=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd&ID=fr-120066022-jdd-001c85b8-2137-4281-95c3-e7e88f9387de)
* [COVADIS data standard: Risk Prevention Plan PPRN PPRT](http://geostandards.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/afficherPageStandard.do?id=15)
[See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/6d291944ceb2efb98e4edf8f698f55783f009b6a)
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