Dataset information
Available languages
pss, azerailles, ddt-54, donnees-ouvertes, geoscientific-information, inondation, pprn, risque-zonages-risque-naturel, risque, passerelle-inspire
Dataset description
Submersible Surface Plans (PSS) are the first map documents regulating land cover in floodable areas for domanial water courses. They were created by the Decree-Law of 30 October 1935 and its Decree of No. #x27; application of 20 October 1937.
The Barnier Law of 2 February 1995 confers on the SSPs the status of a risk prevention plan (RPP), thus making them enforceable against the third party. The PSS is a document that establishes a public utility affecting land use. It allows the administration of s' oppose any action or work likely to hinder the free flow of water or the conservation of the fields d' flood (article R425-21 of the Code of Urbanism). The deposit of a declaration before carrying out work that could affect the natural flow of water (digues, embankments, deposits, fences, plantations, constructions) is therefore necessary.
Although having the same legal value, PSS and PPR are technically different. SSPs map " simply & a hazard of #x27; flooding unlike PPRs that represent a risk taking into account the vulnerability of the territories (regulatory zoning plan). Finally, the SSPs map a flood called " lower than baseline flood; development of RPPs (the highest known flood corresponding to the highest known waters (PHEC) and, in the case of lower than a centennial frequency flood, the latter).
In application of Article L562-6 of the Code of l' Environment, PSS are equivalent to PPR in l' waiting for their repeal by a PPR on the municipalities concerned.
For natural PPRs, the code of l'environment defines two categories of zones (L562-1): risk-exposed areas and areas that are not directly exposed to risks but where measures may be planned to avoid d’#x27; exacerbate the risk.
Depending on the level of d'aira, each zone is the subject of an opposable regulation. Regulations generally distinguish three types of zones:
1- ‘zones d' prohibition to build’, known as ‘red zones’, where the level of #x27; hazard is strong and the general rule is #x27; prohibition on building;
2- ‘zones subject to requirements’, known as ‘blue zones’, where the level of hazard is average and projects are subject to requirements adapted to the type of #x27; stakes;
3- areas not directly exposed to risks but where constructions, structures, development or agricultural, forestry, artisanal, commercial or industrial operations could aggravate or cause new risks, subject to prohibitions or requirements (cf. Article L562-1 of the Code of the Environment). The latter category is only applicable to natural PPRs.
Detailed genealogy information is provided in the report accompanying the maps and the GIS Flood Directive. This information explains the choices made on data and production methods — see Internet address (URL).
__Partner organisations__
DDT Ardennes, DDT Meurthe-et-Moselle
__Links annexes__
* [XML metadata view](
* [report d' accompaniment of mappings](
* [COVADIS data standard: Challenges for sensitive institutions, infrastructure and facilities](
* [consultation of maps and accompanying report of this IRR](
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