Priority action area for agri-environmental and climate measures 2015-2020 UAE challenge in Brittany and selection criteria for 2015

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Country of origin
2020.02.08 06:42
Available languages
donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire, planning-cadastre
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Dataset description

A priority action zone (PAA) is defined within the framework of the DFAC (2015-2020) issue UAE in s' based on the masses of water under the framework directive on water (WFD). On this basis, project selection criteria are agreed for 2015 by distinguishing between phyto unit commitments and non- phyto unit commitments. __Origin__ The priority actions zone (PAA) of the DFAC issue UAE is constructed from 14 zonings superimposed on the masses of water under the WFD. The calculation of the number of zonings per mass d'water is the sum of the proportions of the zonings reported to each mass of d'water. The 14 zonings taken into account are: vulnerable areas European Directive 91-676, zones of #x27; reinforced actions of the 5th Nitrates Directive, green algae berries provision 10A1, plans of water concerned by provision 3B1 eutrophication, zoning of the #x27th Directive; hazard erosion from medium to very high disposition 1B4, priority catchments GRENELLE, the risk of non-achievement of the 2021 environmental objectives of the masses of D' Water SOUTERRAINES vis-à-vis nitrates and that of pesticides, the risk of not meeting the 2021 environmental objectives of the masses of {\#x27; Water COTIERES and TRANSITION due to #x27; Contributions of #x27; Nitrogen and phosphorus and that due to #x27; nitrate intake, risk of non-achievement of the 2021 environmental objectives of masses d'water PLANS d'water due to #x27; phosphorus intakes and that due to #x27; pesticide intakes, the risk of non-achievement of the 2021 environmental objectives of the masses of {\#x27;water COURS d' WATER due to {\#x27; nitrate intakes and that due to ' pesticide intake. The criteria for selecting 2015 UAE projects for phyto unit commitments s' support the zoning affected by the pesticide criterion and GRENELLE phyto catchments. The criteria for selecting 2015 UAE projects for non-plant unit commitments are based on other zonings. __Partner organisations__ DRAAF Bretagne __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [DRAAF Bretagne website]( * [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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