Professional integration of Master’s graduates in universities and similar institutions

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.10.06 07:00
Available languages
business, etablissement, education, diplome, uai, insertion-professionnelle, formation, emploi, salaire, enseignement, economie, diplomes, universite, universites, cdi, statistiques, recherche, insertion, developpement-economique, master, etablissements, pme, enseignement-superieur, cadre
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Dataset description

This information is based on the data collected as part of the national data collection operation on the professional integration of Master’s graduates. This investigation has been carried out * in December 2020, 18 and 30 months after graduation, with Master graduates of the 2018 session; * in December 2019, 18 and 30 months after graduation, with Master graduates of the 2017 session; * in December 2018, 18 and 30 months after graduation, with Master graduates of the 2016 session; * in December 2017, 18 and 30 months after graduation, with Master graduates of the 2015 session; * in December 2016, 18 and 30 months after graduation, with Master graduates of the 2014 session; * in December 2015, 18 and 30 months after graduation, with Master graduates of the 2013 session; * in December 2014, 18 and 30 months after graduation, with Master graduates of the 2012 session; * in December 2013, 30 months after graduation, with Master graduates of the 2011 session; * in December 2012, 30 months after graduation, with Master graduates of the 2010 session. The integration rate is defined as the percentage of graduates in any job, of all graduates present in the labour market. It is calculated on graduates of French nationality, who have obtained initial training, who entered the labour market immediately and permanently after graduation in 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 or 2018. The information collected on the salary relates to the net salary, including bonuses. The posted wages correspond to the median values on full-time jobs. Based on these values, an annual gross salary is estimated, based on a flat rate of change from net to gross of 1.3 (average data on private sector wages). The survey was conducted by universities in the framework of a charter whose provisions are designed to ensure comparability of results between institutions. The overall coordination and operation of the survey is carried out by the Ministry in charge of Higher Education and Research. * * * **Sources of additional data:** % of scholarship graduates: data observed on the population of the occupational integration survey. Regional unemployment rate: INSEE — 4th quarter 2012 for session 2010, 4th quarter 2013 for session 2011, 4th quarter 2014 for session 2012, 4th quarter 2015 for session 2013, 1st quarter 2017 for session 2014, 4th quarter 2017 for session 2015, 4th quarter 2018 for session 2016, 4th quarter 2019 for session 2017, 4th quarter 2020 for session 2018. Regional median net monthly salary: INSEE DADS 2010 for session 2010, INSEE DADS 2011 for session 2011, INSEE DADS 2012 for session 2012, INSEE DADS 2013 for session 2013, INSEE DADS 2014 for session 2014, INSEE DADS 2015 for session 2015, INSEE DADS 2016 for session 2016, INSEE DADS 2017 for session 2017, INSEE DADS 2018 for session 2018 for the 25-29 year old full-time employed in the socio-professional categories “Sectors and higher intellectual professions” and “Intermediate professions”. * * * Legend: nd = not available (no respondent) ns = insignificant (number of respondents less than 30). * * * Source: 18- and 30-month occupational integration survey of university graduates 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 and 30-month integration survey of university graduates 2010 and 2011 * * * Collection: survey carried out by universities, treatments and synthesis carried out by MESRI-SIES * * * Field: graduates of the Master’s degree 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018 from the Universities of Metropolitan France and the DOM, of French nationality, coming from the initial training, entered the job market immediately and sustainably after graduation. * * * 2018 graduate data can be found on the website of [MESRI](
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