Dataset information
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, sante-et-securite-des-personnes, nuisance-bruit, donnees-ouvertes, health, bruit
Dataset description
The objects in this table correspond to the cross profiles and reference odds of the PPR of the municipality.
The content and format of these maps meet the regulatory requirements of the European Directive 2002/49/EC on the management of noise in the environment.
Noise cards shall include, in accordance with the regulations:
• Sound level maps for a “reference situation” (so-called type a maps), showing equivalent noise-level curves in the territory.
• Maps of areas affected by noise related to the noise classification of roadways in force (type b maps).
• Exceedance maps, representing areas likely to contain buildings with a modelled sound level above regulatory thresholds (type c maps).
• Maps d'evolution, representing changes in known or foreseeable noise levels in relation to the reference situation (type d maps). No actionable data were submitted from the project managers concerned. Type d cards are therefore not produced as part of the mission.
The realisation of a map reference is an essential step to meet the regulatory objective of drawing up strategic noise maps and a plan for the prevention of noise in the environment within the meaning of the European directive. It is about responding to public health issues, in terms of managing excessive noise pollution, as well as land use planning issues in terms of displacement management and urban development or renewal.
This work is based on the use of computer tools (Arcview Geographical Information System 10 and Mapinfo, databases, computer software for acoustic propagation CadnaA 4.0.135), but also on exchanges with infrastructure managers, and through a steering committee consisting of DDT 82, the road infrastructure managers concerned, municipalities and the Community of #x27; agglomeration of Grand Montauban, territory crossed by the roads concerned.
The main steps in making noise maps are:
• The collection and processing of data, acoustic (by type of source), geographical or sociodemographic.
• Their structuring into georeferenced bases, and their validation after any additional assumptions or estimates required.
• The realisation of calculations (according to the detailed approach) and their exploitation (cross analyses between noise data and population data).
• Editing maps and associated documents.
The methodology implemented is based on the recommendations of the CERTU Guide for the development of strategic maps of agglomeration noise and the SETRA guide for the development of non-agglomeration noise maps.
Thus, the different data used for the production of the noise map are as follows, by
• Road data: speeds, traffic, road coverings, share of heavy goods vehicles.
• Sociodemographic data: name and type of sensitive establishments, population census.
• Geographical data: buildings, roads, relief, water bodies, bridges, screens.
The data used are the most recent numerical data available at the time of the structuring of the databases, used as the input of the cartographic model. However, these data were supplemented by flat-rate assumptions or values when no other data was available or usable (e.g. the distribution of traffic by period on certain channels).
The number of inhabitants in a building is estimated based on the volume of inhabited buildings and the available population census data (by IRIS). The reference dates for each data type are as follows:
• 2011 for road noise.
• 2008 for INSEE statistics by IRIS.
• 2011 for geographic data (BDTopo of IGN: buildings, area of activity, point of activity and health and education, water surface, vegetation, Digital Land Model by step of 25 m).
• No acoustic screen exists along the mapped pathways.
__Partner organisations__
DDT Côte-d'Or
__Links annexes__
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