Protection areas related to EL9 (Pedestrian Passage on Coastal) easements in the English Channel

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.12 06:41
Available languages
donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire, planning-cadastre
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Dataset description

The EL9 class easements concern coastal crossing easements intended to ensure the passage of pedestrians along the coast and to provide them with free access to the coastline.In addition to a right of passage for pedestrians, it prohibits owners of encumbered land and their successors-rights to do so; make to #x27; inventory of the site changes such as to make, even temporarily, obstacle to the free passage of pedestrians, unless previously authorised by the prefect, for a period of up to six months.The easement also introduces a right of passage for the purpose of ensuring the free passage of the pedestrians; competent administration for the purpose of establishing the signage necessary to specify the #x27th time; location of the crossing easement and carrying out the work necessary to ensure the free passage and safety of pedestrians, subject to #x27; fifteen days’ notice except in the case of #x27; urgency.The easement includes:1. A longitudinal passage easement to the shore of the sea that strikes over a three-metre-wide band on private riparian properties of the maritime public domain.2. A transverse crossing easement at the shore of the sea that can be instituted on private roads and roads of ' existing collective use, with the exception of those reserved for professional use, in order to connect the public roads to the shore of the sea or to the paths of the sea; immediate access to it, in the #x27 rd place; absence of a public road located less than five hundred meters and allowing the waterway; access to the shoreline.This resource describes the superfacic plates of the servitudes of category EL9, namely, the coastal path. __Origin__ According to the state of the heritage of the geographical data used in the port-to-know of the \#x27;state- by digitisation of the coastal path from the large-scale repository (BD Ortho, BD Parcellar), PCI vector or orthophotography of the coastline- by re-use of the resource N_EL9_ASSIETTE_SUP_S described by the Geostandard COVADIS Servitudes d' Public utility and rendered obsolete by this CNIG standard __Partner organisations__ DDTM Manche __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Table containing surface plates related to EL9 easements.]( * [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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