Public procurement — List of contracts of the Paris community

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.06.09 12:50
Available languages
administration-et-finances-publiques, commande-publique, finances, dfa, marches-publics
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Dataset description

* * The dataset represents the list of contracts awarded by the Paris authority since 2013 * * This list shall specify the subject of the contract, the name of the contractor, the value of the contract over its full duration, its duration, the budget to which it relates, the article of the Public Procurement Code relating to the method of calling for competition, and the nature of the purchase concerned. Column name * * Description * * — — Year of notification Market notification year Contract No. national market census number Subject of the contract Nature of the contract Supplies, Works or Services Supplier — Name of contractor Supplier — Company’s National Identifier Siret — Establishment level Supplier — Postal code of the company Supplier — Common City where the company is located Min amount (excluding tax) Minimum amount of the contract (in the case of contracts with mini and maximum amounts). In the case of a lump-sum contract, the minimum and maximum amounts shall be the same. These amounts are those over the full duration of the contract. Maximum amount (excluding tax) Maximum amount of the contract (in the case of contracts with mini and maximum amounts). In the case of a lump-sum contract, the minimum and maximum amounts shall be the same. These amounts are those over the full duration of the contract. Date of notification Date on which the contract was notified to the undertaking Start date effective start date for performance of the contract End date Contract execution end date Duration of the contract (in days) Duration of the contract Financial scope Budget to which the contract relates: City of Betting, Department of Paris, Ancillary Budgets (Water, Sanitation, Childhood Welfare, Municipal Automobiles Transport) Purchase category — key Identifier of the nature of the purchase from the Paris public purchasing nomenclature, which serves as the basis for defining requirements and calculating the thresholds for calling for competition (Article 27 of the CMP) Purchase category — text Description of the nature of purchase * * * *
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