Public reception sites for social and medico-social action

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.09.26 12:09
Available languages
revenu-de-solidarite-active, solidarites, solidarite-sante, services-solidarites-territoriales, contraception, travailleurs-sociaux, centres-de-sante-sexuelle, pmi, sante, familles, emplois, social, conseil-conjugual, enfants, cpef, petite-enfance, insertion, etablissements, rsa, centres-de-planification-et-deducation-familiale, sst, jeunes, css, protection-maternelle-et-infantile
Quality scoring

Dataset description

List of departmental and agreed reception sites for the social and medico-social action of Hauts-de-Seine. * * * The Territorial Solidarity Services (SST) offers solidarity services from 1st to Great Ages for the inhabitants of Hauts-de-Seine. Teams of professionals present on site are organised to ensure: * reception for all, comprehensive information and guidance, support for users in their digital approaches to opening and maintaining rights with administrations; * multidimensional assessment of all vulnerabilities and situations of tension, including child protection, prevention of evictions; * the construction with users of accompanying pathways, taking into account the person and the family in all aspects of their lives (integration, employment, housing, financial issues, parenting, maternal and child protection, family planning and education, etc.). This dataset presents the list of departmental and agreed public reception sites for the social and medico-social action of Hauts-de-Seine. It makes it possible to know the location and characteristics of these sites on the departmental territory. **Glossary** Social assistance for children IAS Insertion and Social Action IMP Maternal and Child Protection CPEF Family Planning and Education Centre EI Insert space SST Territorial Solidarity Service MDPH Departmental House for People with Disabilities **Related data** Department of Hauts-de-Seine [Early childhood, IMP follow-up]( [Planning and Family Education]( [Territorial solidarity services]( [Number of actions implemented by policy area]( target=)
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