Public utilities for collective sanitation — communal composition of services

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.06.20 06:38
Available languages
france-metropolitaine, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes, environment
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The synthesis data of the System d'Information on Public Services d' Water and d' Sanitation (SISPEA) present, service by service and work by book, all the data accessible to the general public on the Observatory of Water and Sanitation Services (, and relevant for each jurisdiction (drinking water, collective sanitation, non-collective sanitation). They are accessible, for each skill, under, from the “Methdata sheet of the game Public Services “Skill Name” — Description and Performance Indicators”. These files correspond to the communal composition of the services for collective reorganisation, i.e. the list of municipalities that make up the geographical scope of each service. Other descriptive data are attached to the services represented in these files, such as the community in which the service belongs, its management method, the nature and name of its operator, the municipal population of its perimeter, the status of its dataset (published or not). The scope of the services is updated by the State services (DDT(M)/DEAl/DRIEE, as part of their mission to accompany the scheme at local level. Incidentally, the latter can capture and publish the data, in consultation with the communities. consistency and qualification of each indicator by n°#x27; one of the following 3 labels: & without apparent anomaly(quot;, " presumption of' anomaly" and & anomaly &). Each published indicator is accompanied by this notice Only published data sets are made available (Status Column = Confirmed and published). Data sets whose status is " awaiting input; they're not banked. Data sets in one of the other statutes may be banked but are not made available in this file. __Origin__ The description of services and works is derived from the DDT(M) and represents a near-complete census of existing services. Annual data (indicators and variables) are produced, captured and published by the local authorities after verification by the State Department (DDT(M)). Incidentally, the latter can capture and publish the data, in consultation with the communities. consistency and qualification of each indicator by n°#x27; one of the following 3 labels: & without apparent anomaly(quot;, " presumption of' anomaly" and & anomaly &). Each published indicator is accompanied by this notice Only published data sets are made available (Status Column = Confirmed and published). Data sets whose status is " awaiting input; they're not banked. Data sets in one of the other statutes may be banked but are not made available in this file. __Partner organisations__ OFB, ONEMA [See this page on](
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