Publication of grant declarations up to EUR 23k

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2018.06.11 15:43
Available languages
subvention-municipale, association, subvention, 23000, declaration
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Communication on Grants to Associations and Foundations Everyone’s right to information is guaranteed by law. Thus, every citizen must have access to information on subsidies paid to associations and foundations by an administrative authority, be it the State, local and regional authorities, public administrative establishments, social security bodies and other bodies responsible for the management of an administrative public service. Article 18 of Law No 2016-1321 of 7 October 2016 for a Digital Republic introduced amendments to the provisions relating to the Communication on Grants to Associations and Foundations. From now on, only grants above the EUR 23 000 threshold will have to be notified. This threshold of EUR 23 000 already requires the conclusion of an agreement. These essential data are made available under conditions laid down by a decree of the Prime Minister of 17 November 2017. The Decree specifies that these essential data shall be made available to the public free of charge, for consultation or download, on the website of the authority or body awarding the grant, not later than three months from the date of signature of the agreement. The authority or body awarding the grant may instead send the essential data to the competent authority for publication on the single interministerial portal to collect and make available freely all public information within the same period. It shall therefore make available to the public, on its website, a link to the data thus published.
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