RA — Farm operators and employees — Small farms

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.02.10 17:33
Available languages
recensement, agriculture-et-economie, agriculture, paysan, salarie, exploitation-agricole
Quality scoring

Dataset description

# **Farmers and employees per municipality** **Agreste — Agricultural Census (1970, 1979, 1988, 2000, 2010)** **** All holdings (excluding collective pacages) Small farms Medium and large holdings Characteristics of people: Operations managers and co-operators Managers and co-operators — Men Operations managers and co-operators — Women Operations managers and co-operators — Under 40 years Operations managers and co-operators — 40 to 60 years old Managers and co-operators — 60 years of age or older Managers and co-operators — multi-active Permanent employees outside the family Permanent non-family employees — Men Permanent non-family employees — Women Non-family permanent employees — Unspecified sex (self-help DOM 2000) Permanent non-family employees — Under 40 Non-family permanent employees — 40 years of age or older Non-family permanent employees — Unspecified age (DOM employees) Description of operation: Number of holdings Number of persons Annual Work Units (AWU) * * * # **The agricultural censuses,** ten-year surveys, offer an instant, complete and detailed portrait of a key sector of the French and European economy: agriculture (agricultural population, plant areas, including vineyards, livestock numbers, means of production, ancillary activities, etc.). It answers questions as diverse as various, at all geographical levels, allowing comparisons at the finest level (canton, commune) and takes into account local specificities as well as the new challenges of agriculture, such as signs of quality, territorial farm contracts, cultivation practices, etc. It is also interested in the smallest farms, the important local impact. To prepare for the future of the agricultural world: The agricultural census makes it possible to measure the impact of agricultural policies, in particular the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), on agricultural practices and the environment. It gives political leaders, national elected officials and representatives of the profession keys to prepare future agricultural laws and regulations and international negotiations. It provides elected representatives of rural municipalities with valuable data for spatial management and spatial planning. The 2010 agricultural census follows the 1970, 1979, 1988 and 2000 censuses. The 2020 agricultural census will soon begin. The main data relate to: Crops and cultivated areas, Livestock and livestock, Methods of crop protection, The equipment of the holdings, Diversification of activities (green tourism...), The marketing of products (AOC, direct sale to consumers...), Employment (employeeship, family employment, etc.) and the level of training of the operator, Management of the operation. There are no questions about financial results or farmers’ incomes. **Who has been identified?** Investigators identified all production units meeting **3 criteria** > produce agricultural products; > have independent day-to-day management; > reaching or exceeding a certain threshold in area, production or number of animals. **This threshold has been defined as follows**: > a utilised agricultural area (UAA) greater than or equal to 1 hectare; > **or** an area of specialised crops equal to or greater than 20 ares; > **or** a sufficient agricultural production activity, estimated in terms of number of animals, production area or minimum production volume.
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