Real-time traffic status on the unlicensed national road network

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.05.11 12:24
Available languages
donneesroutieres, debit, trafic, vitesse, reseauroutier, traficroutier, datexii, route
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Dataset description

#### Context As part of the work of the National Access Point Team and the implementation of data opening to improve the information available to passengers, the transport in conjunction with the [Bison Futé] team( worked on the opening of road data for the [national road network]( The French national road network consists of a coherent set of roads and motorways, whether granted or not, which are of “national or European interest”. These roads and motorways can be managed: — by the [Interdepartmental Directorates of Roads (DIR)](, devolved services of the State when they are not granted, — by the [Sociétés Concessionaires d’Autoroute (SCA)]( when they are granted. Data on the static repository of the national road network are published by the Ministry of Ecology on — [network geometry]( — [network birthing]( — [managers]( — [road width]( — [nature of roads]( #### Perimeter of the dataset The data referenced here describe through several indicators the real-time traffic status of the ** unlicensed network**: average speeds, throughputs and overall traffic status. #### Purpose The datasets referenced here show several cases of use: — Enable route calculators to integrate these data in order to provide reliable and complete information on current traffic on the unlicensed road network and thus orient towards alternative mobility solutions to the car; — Allow any reuser to easily know the current traffic on the network. #### Content This dataset contains: — average speed and flow data (number of vehicles over one hour) on the national road network not granted in XML format based on the [European DATEX II standard]( described in [next diagram]( — A state of traffic around major agglomerations (also called Traficolor): fluid, dense, congested, impossible, unknown. _NB: The agglomerations are Bordeaux, Brive, Caen, Calais, Clermont-Ferrand, Grenoble, Lille, Limoges, Lyon, Marseille, Metz, Montpellier, Mulhouse, Nancy, Nantes, Paris Île-de-France, Rennes, Rouen, Saint-Etienne, Strasbourg, Toulouse_ — The repository to be used to identify the measuring points The average speed and flow data are calculated from the automatic measurements of the counting stations located below the roadway or at the edge of roads and highways. The frequency of updating the data varies according to the counting station. The aggregate file referenced here is updated every 6 minutes. #### Documentation DATEX II The [CEREMA referenced various guides]( in French to better understand DATEX II: — [change of traffic data in Datex II]( — [the exchange of data for the operation of the road. Presentation of Datex II v1.0]( — [the exchange of data for the operation of the road. Part 1: publication of traffic situation Datex II]( — [the exchange of data for the operation of the road. Part 2: publication of traffic data Datex II](
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