Reception areas for Travellers — Hautes-Pyrénées

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.28 06:40
Available languages
structure, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Location of traveller’s areas. This census covers reception areas and areas of large passages only, neither family grounds nor sedentary areas are not listed. __Origin__ Data from the previous version (V2015), reworked to correct some input anomalies, against the background of BD-Parcellaire 2017. Data validated internally by the Housing Office. Production objectives: — Monitoring of areas — Exchanges on l''urbanisation DATA QUALITY: Entering areas from fragmented data, against the background of the 2017 Parcellar BD. These data are in line with the Departmental Scheme of Travellers, approved on xx/xx/xxxx, and with the revised scheme for the period 2015/2020, approved by prefectural decree of xx/xx/xxxx. A total of 14 areas d' reception and an area of large passages, are in service on the department. For information, the project d'aire d' Séméac’s reception is reclassified as a sedentarisation project. Its perimeter has been preserved. Particularities: — In Bordères on l’'chez, a sedentarisation area is in operation. This is the area located on plot AE 56, which Promologis owns. This area is not captured, as such. It is mentioned in the cadastral reference of l'aire d' reception Django Reinardt. — In Lourdes, the seizure relates to parcels AV 33 and 60. This corresponds to the plan available at the SUfl/Bureau Housing, even if the plot mentioned on the plan is at AV 20. — In Lannemezan, the seizure was wrong. It has been corrected for entry on parcel BP 359, in accordance with the data provided. Precision on the ownership of plots: — In Tarbes, plot CK 151, integrated into thearea, is owned by a private property. This point will be examined. — In Soues, plots 885 887 and 889 belong to CATLP, parcel 888 belongs to the municipality of Soues. — In Bordères on l'Echez, plot AA 55 (which corresponds to #x27;area d' reception), belongs to CATLP, while parcel AA 56 (which corresponds to the sedentarisation area, not seized) belongs to Promologis. This point will need to be refined, so that the input corresponds to the needs. __Partner organisations__ DDT Hautes-Pyrénées __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Ground d' welcome for Travellers]( [See this page on](
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