Regional Ecological Corridors of the Brittany Regional Ecological Coherence Scheme

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.24 13:11
Available languages
patrimoine-naturel-autres, reservoirs-de-biodiversite, faune, tvb, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes, biota, corridors-ecologiques, continuites-ecologiques, srce, trame-verte-et-bleue, habitats-et-biotopes, bretagne, milieu-naturel
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Regional ecological corridors of SRCE Brittany The layer consists of two types of ecological corridors: — corridors-territories in which the level of connection between natural environments is very high. In this context of highly intertwined environments, it is not possible to identify preferential routes of connections. The whole territory functions as a regional corridor; — linear corridors, represented as arrows that visualise the principle of connections of regional interest. The location of these connections is therefore not to be associated precisely with the position of the arrows. Within the linear corridors, the following are distinguished: — those in a context of connection between high natural environments — those in a context of connection of weak natural environments. The data was performed for reading and use at 1/100 000th. Under no circumstances can it be used on a more precise scale. __Origin__ The layout of the ecological corridors of the Brittany SRCE has been carried out by experts (synthesis of the consultation process) The winning table contains the following fields: — Corridor identifier — Name of corridor — Type 1: corridor-linear or corridor-territory — Type 2: orientation of the corridor (north-south; coastal-inland, etc.) — Type 3: associated level of connection of natural environments — Objective: objective of preserving or restoring the ecological functionality of the environment For more information, see SRCE Report No. 2. __Partner organisations__ Observatory of l’' environment in Brittany, DREAL Bretagne, Brittany Region __Links annexes__ * [consultation]( [See this page on](
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