Regional energy and powers linked to constraints (vision as of 6 December 2022)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.02.26 14:56
Available languages
infrastructures, territoires-et-regions
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Prospective studies over a 3-5-year horizon are necessary to identify and characterise the constraints on the Public Transport Network, at a horizon corresponding to the investment prospects of third parties. RTE provides information at different geographical levels (France, region, area, structure, position influencing) to allow users to have a relevant estimate of the main orders of magnitude of constraints, and the associated flexibility needs. The data made available here are at the regional level, in addition to the “constraint” data present on ODRÉ: <HTTPS://OPENDATA.RESEAUX-ENERGIES.FR/EXPLORE/DATASET/CONTRAINTES_REGION/INFORMATION/> A residual transit constraint is a potential constraint on the transmission network linked to the reception of renewable energies. It will be managed with flexibility, in accordance with the principle of optimal sizing: this principle consists of accepting ad hoc limitations through a means of flexibility in order to avoid constructing network infrastructure whose usefulness would be proven only a few hours a year. Attention: Information on network constraints shall be made available for guidance by the transmission system operator. They are not binding on the transmission system operator, who cannot be held responsible for the interpretation or use that may be made of it. For more information, these data are made available more widely on <>. Constraints on other regions will now be available. Below are some definitions: * ENR power installed: * Renewable energy (EnR) power installed and projects under development. * The power is given in MW. * Total power of renewable energy installations (PVs, wind farms, hydraulics, dams and water wires,...) connected, as well as that of the projects officially declared to the system operators, at the date of the study. * Total power to be compensated: * Maximum total power to be compensated. * The power is given in MW. * Instantaneous power should be limited when flows are too large on the network, to avoid risks to goods and people, at the regional perimeter. *Average unevacuated energy Spring/Medium unevacuated energy Summer/average non-evacuated energy Autumn/average non-evacuated energy Winter: * Average non-evacuated energy, by season. * Surplus energy from ENR that the network infrastructure cannot evacuate and which will therefore have to be capped. * This information is given on the selected region, by season, in MWh. * * *
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