Regulatory zoning of a PPRN, generators of PM1 servitudes on the department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.03.05 06:39
Available languages
planning-cadastre, donnees-ouvertes, zone-reglementee-dun-pprn, passerelle-inspire, servitude-dutilite-publique-pm-1, pprn
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Dataset description

Pursuant to Articles L. 562-1 et seq. of the Code de l'Environment, the Natural Risk Prevention Plans (NRPPs) and the Mining Risk Prevention Plans (MRPs) delimit: — areas exposed to risks in which construction, works, fitting-outs and holdings are prohibited or subject to conditions; — areas not directly exposed to risks in which construction, works, fitting-outs and holdings are prohibited or subject to conditions because they are likely to exacerbate the risks or cause new ones. The regulated zoning of PPRN-PPRM thus constitute the generators (as well as the plates confused with generators) of the PM1 easements. This resource describes the generators of the PM1 servitudes on the department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques. __Origin__ Departmental tables are assemblies of the geographical layers of PPRN validated by the SAUR. As digital PPRNs must conform to the paper PPRN (areas sometimes exceed the common limit), overlays appear at the assembly. In addition, periods between two RPPs in neighbouring municipalities can be counted in years, so if the river bed has changed, there may be gaps between adjacent areas. The most glaring examples are Artiguelouve with Lescar and Bielle with Castet. But most of the time the overlapping areas represent the same risk. It was decided in agreement with SAUR that one would not smooth these stacks of objects to see the sensitive places. The ASSIETTE and GENERATOR layers of the PM1 bondage correspond to the departmental ZONES_REG layers. __Partner organisations__ DDT Ain, DDTM Pyrénées-Atlantiques __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Relementary zoning of {\#x27;a PPRN or d'a PPRM generators of servitudes PM1]( * [simple download (Atom) of the game and associated documents via the internet]( [See this page on](
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