Regulatory zoning of the Flood Risk Prevention Plan (PPRI) in the municipality of La Môle (Var)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.27 06:45
Available languages
geoscientific-information, passerelle-inspire, risque-zonages-risque-naturel, donnees-ouvertes
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Dataset description

The Risk Prevention Plans (P.P.R) codified in Articles L562-1 to L562-7 and R562-1 et seq. of the Environmental Code, relating to the prevention of foreseeable natural hazards, the implementation of which falls under Decree No 95-1089 of 5 October 1995, is one of the tools for the implementation of the State’s flood prevention policy, which was redefined in the Inter-Ministerial Committee of 24 January 1994. This legislative and regulatory framework was supplemented by the law of 30 July 2003 (a law subsequent to the approval of the PPR of La Môle). The Plan for the Prevention of Natural Risks of Floodation in the commune of La Môle, linked to the presence of the rivers of La Môle and Verne, was approved by prefectural decree of 2 August 2001. The communal territory was divided into three areas: — red zone: area estimated to be very exposed and in which there can be no effective protection measure; — blue zone: area estimated to be exposed to lesser risks in which parades may be implemented; —white area: an area in which there is no foreseeable risk, or for which the probability of occurrence is less than the reference flood. Two hydraulic studies formed the basis for the definition of hazard: (one carried out in 1991 on behalf of the union intercommunal for the development of the Giscle, the other in 1996 on behalf of the state). The hazard thus realised, a map on paper was provided. Those hazards had made it possible to determine a digitalised regulatory zoning carried over to edr25 with for each type of zoning: R1, R2, B1 and B2 a separate MapInfo table. These 4 tables were then merged to create a single table. __Origin__ Two hydraulic studies formed the basis for the definition of hazard: (one carried out in 1991 on behalf of the union intercommunal for the development of the Giscle, the other in 1996 on behalf of the state). The hazard thus realised, a map on paper was provided. Those hazards had made it possible to determine a digitalised regulatory zoning carried over to edr25 with for each type of zoning: R1, R2, B1 and B2 a separate MapInfo table. These 4 tables were then merged to create a single table. __Partner organisations__ DDTM Var, DDTM83/SAD/BR __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [Dynamic Mapping of the Var DDTM]( [See this page on](
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