Regulatory Zonings of a PPRN or PPRM Generating Servants PM1 — Department of Tarn-et-Garonne

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2019.03.07 07:00
Available languages
donnees-ouvertes, sup, passerelle-inspire, planning-cadastre
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Dataset description

Pursuant to Articles L. 562-1 et seq. of the Code de l'Environment, the Natural Risk Prevention Plans (NRPPs) and the Mining Risk Prevention Plans (MRPs) delimit: — areas exposed to risks in which construction, works, fitting-outs and holdings are prohibited or subject to conditions; — areas not directly exposed to risks in which construction, works, fitting-outs and holdings are prohibited or subject to conditions because they are likely to exacerbate the risks or cause new ones. The regulated zoning of PPRN-PPRM thus constitute the generators (as well as the plates confused with generators) of the PM1 easements. This resource describes the generators of PM1 easements __Origin__ According to the N_PERIMETRE_PPRM_PPRM_AAAANNNN_S, and described by the Geostandard COVADIS PPRN-PPRT- by reusing the resource N_PERIMETRE_PPRN_PPRM_AAAANNNN_S of N_PERIMETRE_PPRM_AAAANNNN_S. the same PPRM and described by the Geostandard COVADIS PPRM- by reusing the resource N_PM1_GENERATEUR_SUP_S described by the Geostandard COVADIS Servitudes d'Public Usage and rendered obsolete by this CNIG standard __Partner organisations__ DDT Tarn-et-Garonne, COVADIS __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [COVADIS data standard: Relementary zoning of {\#x27;a PPRN or d'a PPRM generators of servitudes PM1]( * [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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