REP-GF — List of certified operators

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2022.09.12 14:04
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Dataset description

# # declaration to ADEME The Order of 20 December 2007 on the annual declaration of approved organisations, distributors of refrigerants and producers of refrigerants and equipment containing refrigerants defines, for each actor (distributors, producers and approved organisations), the nature and modalities of the declarations to be made to the Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME). Changes have been made to Articles 543-75 to R. 543-123 of the Environmental Code through Decree No. 2011-396 of 13 April 2011 on ozone-depleting substances and certain fluorinated greenhouse gases, biocides and chemicals control. This decree modifies the scope of the fluorinated gas sector followed by ADEME: in addition to refrigerants, fluorinated gases used in the Fire Protection, High Voltage and Solvants sectors will now be analysed. The F-gas Observatory is managed in the SYDEREP database, allowing professionals to enter their data directly. The aim is to control the quantities of placing on the market, use, recovery and destruction of different types of gases. Based on the analysis of these data, ADEME publishes an annual report allowing the monitoring of the F-gas sector in France. ## The dataset presented The dataset presented makes it possible to check the validity of: a certified operator of refrigerants holding a certificate of capacity in the cold and air-conditioning sector a certified company holding a certificate in the Fire Protection sector Operators shall be the undertakings and bodies carrying out, on a professional basis, all or part of the following operations on equipment containing refrigerants: Commissioning; Maintenance and repair, where such operations require intervention on the circuit containing refrigerants; Leak proofing; Dismantling; The recovery and loading of refrigerants; Any other operation that requires the handling of refrigerants. Operators must obtain a certificate of capacity issued by an approved organisation in order to handle refrigerants and are obliged to hand over to distributors recovered fluids which cannot be re-introduced into equipment (or for which re-use is prohibited), as well as packaging containing refrigerants. They also have the possibility to have used fluids and packaging processed under their responsibility. Recognised organisations are organisations approved by the Ministers responsible for the environment and industry in order to be able to issue certificates of capacity to operators and certify companies in the field of fire protection. The procedures for issuing the certificate of capacity to operators are laid down in the Decree of 30 June 2008 on the issue of capacity certificates to operators provided for in Article R. 543-99 of the Environment Code. Categories of activity: Category I (includes categories II, III, IV and V): Sealing, maintenance and maintenance, commissioning, fluid recovery from all refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment; Category II (includes categories V): Maintenance and maintenance, commissioning, fluid recovery of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment containing less than 2 kg of refrigerants and sealing of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment; Category III: Fluid recovery from refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment of less than 2 kg of refrigerants; Category IV: Sealing of refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment; Category V — all operations: Leak control, maintenance and maintenance, commissioning, retrieval of fluids from air conditioning systems of vehicles, machinery and equipment referred to in Article R.311-1 of the Highway Traffic Code; Category V — ELV: Category V exclusively for fluid recovery operations from air conditioning systems of end-of-life vehicles. ## Data update rules The list is not up to date in real time, it is updated every fifteen days by the bodies approved by import into SYDEREP. In case of doubt as to the validity of a company, the information must be verified with the recognised bodies. For any certified operator request not included in this dataset or on SYDEREP, contact the Authorised Organisation to which the operator is attached, since it is he who makes the bimonthly update in SYDEREP.
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