REP — List of producers registered in SYDEREP with a unique identifier

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2023.03.14 17:21
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Dataset description

## The dataset The dataset presented here includes the **list of producers in the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) sectors registered at SYDEREP with a unique identifier (IDU)**. The datasets concern the REP channels: 3E, BPS, DISP_MED, EA, EMBM, MNU, PA, PAP, PCHIM, TIRE, TLC. **Date of data: March 2022.** For the producer, the IDU is proof that it is registered in the register for a sector, in accordance with the AGEC law (cf. article L. 541-10-13 of the Environmental Code). For ADEME, it is used to facilitate the monitoring and monitoring of compliance with the EPR obligations of these producers, as well as to identify producers in the individual system and producers who are members of an eco-organism who are eligible for the annual fee. Thus, for the sectors in force (3E, BPS, DISP_MED, EA, EMBM, MNU, PA, PAP, PCHIM, PNEU, TLC), the seller of a product covered by the REP principle may communicate to the purchaser, at the latter’s request, the IDU under which the producer who fulfils the obligations of REP for that product is registered (cf. Article L. 541-10-10 of the Environmental Code). ## Data update rules The data are updated in real time on SYDEREP by eco-organisms updating their membership list and by individual producers. For producers in a collective system, the removal of the UDI is done at the sole initiative of the eco-organisation which has responsibility for this decision. These lists do not reflect producers who made a declaration on SYDEREP. This list will be updated on a monthly basis at **To search in real time if a producer has an IDU, we invite you to consult the public search for [SYDEREP](** ## General on REP channels The State has entrusted the ADEME with the establishment and management of the registers of compulsory annual declarations of market participants in the following REP sectors: * Recreational or sporting craft (BPS) * Self-treatment patient perforating medical devices (DISP_MED), * Furniture elements (EA) * Household packaging (EMBM); * Electrical and electronic equipment (3E); * Unused medicines (UNM) * Graphic paper (PAP); * Batteries and accumulators (PA); * Tyres (PNEU); * Chemicals (PECHIM); * Textiles for clothing, linen and footwear (TLC); * Vehicles (VEHICULE). This list will be enriched as the AGEC law enters into force with: * As at 01/01/2022, the following sectors: Tobacco Products (TABAC), Lubricants (LUB), DIY & Gardening Goods (ABJ), Sports and Recreation Goods (ASL), Toys (JOUET), * In 2022, the Building Sector Products or Materials Sector (PMCB), * As at 01/01/2023, the Packaging industry for catering activities (EMBR), * As at 01/01/2024, chewing gums (GM) and single-use sanitary textiles (TSUU), * As at 01/01/2025, the fishing gear sector (PE). These registers are managed in the application [SYDEREP](, allowing eco-organisms or individual producers to provide direct information of their data. As these registers are intended to measure the overall performance at national level of each of the REP streams, ADEME draws up and publishes annually, through its [Librairie]( a review of the sectors with a number of aggregated indicators, supplemented by qualitative analysis elements from the actors in each sector. Data from these registers are now available at : * The list of producers registered on SYDEREP with a unique identifier for all sectors; * Quantities placed on the market for EA, 3E, PA, PNEU and BPS; * Tonnage collected for EA, EEE, PA, PNEU and VEHICLE. and some indicators, as they become available.
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