Dataset information
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Dataset description
# # The dataset submitted
The dataset presents reuse and recovery rates and reuse and recycling rates of the end-of-life motor vehicles (ELVs) since 2018, derived from SYDEREP, by department and region.
* * Data update date: August 2021. * *
The data presented in this file are taken from declarations from ELV centres and authorised shredders in France and overseas departments and regions since 2018 (declarations made on SYDEREP between 1 February and 31 March of each year).
* * The data published shall comply with the following statistical rules: * *
At least 3 ELV centres or shredders in the department or region;
No ELV centre or shredder in the county or region accounts for more than 80 % of the collection of ELVs or the taking over of carcasses.
The data of the departments or regions for which these rules do not apply are indicated as CN (not communicated).
Data on origins sometimes poorly filled in by ELV centres and not all of them have been included. This explains why the sum of the origins may be lower than the total number of ELVs covered, which he is well informed.
* The data published here are those of shredders whose annual declaration has been validated and for which ADEME has obtained a publication agreement. These rates are directly comparable to the performance obligations assigned to shredders:
* * * TRR * *: Reuse and recycling of a mass of non-metallic materials (excluding de-pollution waste) corresponding to 3.5 % of the mass of an ELV.
* * * TRV * *: Reuse and recovery of a mass of non-metallic material (excluding de-pollution waste) corresponding to 6 % of the mass of an ELV.
# # Data update rules
The data shall be updated annually by the declarations of eco-bodies and individual producers.
During the reporting period of year N for year N-1 data, changes could be made to the reporting of data from previous years (N-2 and N-3).
# # General on PWR pathways
The State entrusted ADEME with the establishment and management of the registers of compulsory annual declarations of distributors on the market under the following [REP channels] (
* Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE);
* Cells and accumulators (PA);
* Used pneumatic tyres (UPs);
* End-of-life motor vehicles (ELVs);
* Wastes of furnishings (DEA);
* Graphic papers (PAP);
* Household packaging (EMB);
* Wastes from pleasure or sports craft (DBPs).
This list will be enriched as the AGEC Act enters into force, with:
* In 01/01/2022, the sectors: Tobacco products, Lubrifiers (HU), DIY and garden articles (ABJ), Sports and Leisure Goods (ASL), Toys, Products and Materials of the Building Construction Sector (PMCB),
* In 01/01/2023, the catering packaging industry,
* In 01/01/2024, chewing gum and single-use sanitary textiles,
* In 01/01/2025, the fishing industry.
These registers are managed in the SYDEREP application, allowing eco-organisations or producers in an individual system to provide direct information on their data. Since the purpose of these registers is to measure the overall performance at national level of each of the PWRs, ADEME draws up and publishes annually, via its [Librairie] (, an inventory of the sectors with a number of agglomerated indicators, supplemented by qualitative analysis from the players in each sector.
Data from these registers are now available at
* The list of producers entered on SYDEREP, for all sectors;
* The quantities placed on the market for DEA, WEEE, PA, PU and DBPs;
* Tonnage collected for DEA, WEEE, PA, PU and ELV pathways;
And certain indicators, as and when they are made available.
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