Report Water Framework Directive 2010: GIS files of groundwater bodies by DCE basin in WISE format

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.24 12:56
Available languages
france-metropolitaine, donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire, corse, rhone-mediterranee, rhin-meuse, seine-normandie, eau, inland-waters, loire-bretagne, eaux-souterraines, eau-souterraine, reunion, donnees-descriptives, guadeloupe, martinique, adour-garonne, artois-picardie, mayotte, france-entiere, guyane
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Dataset description

A mass of groundwater is a separate volume of groundwater at <#x27; inside one or more aquifers, constituting the elemental division of aquatic environments destined to be #x27; unit d&#x27; assessment of the WFD. Groundwater masses are derived from work carried out on the BDRHF v1 repository. The decoupage chosen for the masses of d&#x27;water responds to the following main principles: — The masses of water are delimited on the basis of geological and hydrogeological criteria, — The redividing of the water masses in order to take account of the effects of anthropogenic pressures must remain limited, — The limits of the water masses must be stable and durable, — In the image of the masses of surface water, the delimitation of the groundwater masses is organised from a typology. This typology is largely inspired by that developed for hydrogeological entities defined as part of the revision of the RHF BD. It is based on the geological nature and hydrodynamic behavior or “big” operation of aquifer systems (nature, flow velocity). It includes 2 levels of characteristics (main and secondary). — The masses of water may have exchanges between them, — All samples of drinking water supplying more than 10 m³/day or used for water supply of more than 50 persons shall be included in a water mass, — Deep groundwater, unrelated to watercourses and surface ecosystems, in which it is not sampled and which are not likely to be used for drinking water due to their quality (salinity, temperature, etc.), or for technical and economic reasons (disproportionate cost of capture) may not constitute water bodies. — Given its size, a mass of water may present a certain spatial heterogeneity both in terms of its hydrogeological characteristics and its qualitative and quantitative state. — At any point several water masses may overlap. (source: D&#x27; after BRGM, DCE IMPLEMENTATION: Identification AND DELIMITATION OF MASSES D&#x27;EAU SOUTERRAINE — Methodological Guide, January 2003) Correspondence report DCE: this entity corresponds to WISE’s Ground Water Body (GWBODY) concept. __Origin__ Data developed by EIS actors __Partner organisations__ ONEMA [See this page on](
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