Dataset information
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, eaux-de-transition, rhone-mediterranee, eaux-cotieres, donnees-ouvertes, seine-normandie, eaux-interieures, artois-picardie, guyane, martinique, etat-du-milieu-qualite-quantite, eau-souterraine, donnees-descriptives, mayotte, france-entiere, corse, eaux-souterraines, eau-superficielle, cours-deau, rhin-meuse, adour-garonne, reunion, eau, inland-waters, loire-bretagne, guadeloupe, france-metropolitaine
Dataset description
Detailed information on management plans and programmes of measures, France as a whole.
For each basin the management plans and programmes of measures are described by elements according to the following simplified themes:
for management plans:
—overall view,
—summary of the management plan,
—pressure on surface waters,
—significant pressures on surface waters,
—quantities due to point or diffuse pollution,
—volumes taken,
—action plan for unknown pressures,
—pressure on groundwater,
—significant pressures on ESOs,
—quantities due to point or diffuse pollution,
—volumes taken,
—artificial refills,
—other pressures,
for the programme of measures:
—basic measures, Article 11(3)(a),
— other basic measures, Article 11(3)(b) to (l),
—list of complementary and additional measures,
—need for additional measures in surface water,
—need for additional groundwater measures,
—cost of measures,
—international coordination,
—additional comments on the programme of measures,
A file is available for each DCE basin. L' all elements and field filling rules are detailed in the associated xsd file.
Directive 2000/60/EC, known as the Water Framework Directive (WFD), establishes a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. It foresees several stages of implementation, each giving rise to a report: the report carried out in March 2010 focuses on the management plans, and integrates the data from previous reports.
This data is developed by the EIS actors
__Partner organisations__
__Links annexes__
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: FRA Basin Management Plan and Action Programmes: Escaut Somme](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management plan and programmes of measures baswsin FRB1: Meuse](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Programmes of Measures Basin FRB2: Sambre](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Action Programs Basin FRC: Rhine](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Programmes of Measures Basin FRD: Rhône Mediterranean](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Action Programs Basin FRE: Corsica](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Programmes of Measures Basin FRF: Adour Garonne](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Programmes of Measures Basin FRG: Loire Bretagne](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Programmes of Measures Basin FRH: Seine Normandy](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Programmes of Measures Basin FRI: Guadeloupe](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Programmes of Measures Basin FRJ: Martinique](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Programmes of Measures Basin FRK: Guyana](
* [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: management Plan and Programmes of Measures Basin FRL: Meeting](
* [reporting schedule 2010: XSD Files](
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