Report Water Framework Directive 2010: protected areas by WFD basin

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2018.12.10 18:42
Available languages
passerelle-inspire, france-metropolitaine, reunion, eau-souterraine, cours-deau, rhin-meuse, eau, eaux-souterraines, eaux-interieures, zone-protegee, donnees-descriptives, eaux-cotieres, donnees-qualitatives, protection-de-lenvironnement, mayotte, inland-waters, eaux-de-transition, rhone-mediterranee, guadeloupe, artois-picardie, seine-normandie, martinique, france-entiere, corse, etat-du-milieu-qualite-quantite, adour-garonne, loire-bretagne, guyane, donnees-ouvertes, eau-superficielle
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Information on protected areas, France as a whole. For each basin, the protected areas are described by elements according to the following themes: —view d'together, —legal framework, —reference documents, —list of protected areas, —geographic information. A file is available for each DCE basin. All the elements and the rules for filling fields are explained in the file xsd ProtArea_3p0.xsd accessible for download by the link to the associated xsd file. Directive 2000/60/EC, known as the Water Framework Directive (WFD), establishes a framework for Community action in the field of water policy. It foresees several stages of implementation, each giving rise to a report: the report carried out in March 2010 focuses on the management plans, and integrates the data from previous reports. __Origin__ This data is developed by the EIS actors __Partner organisations__ ONEMA __Links annexes__ * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: FRA Basin Protected Areas: Escaut Somme]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected areas FRL basin: Meeting]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected areas FRK basin: Guyana]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected Areas Basin FRJ: Martinique]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected areas FRI basin: Guadeloupe]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected areas FRH basin: Seine Normandy]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected areas FRG basin: Loire Bretagne]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected areas FRF basin: Adour Garonne]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected areas FRE basin: Corsica]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: FRD Basin Protected Areas: Rhône Mediterranean]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected areas FRC basin: Rhine]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected areas FRB2 basin: Sambre]( * [reporting Framework Directive on Water 2010: protected areas FRB1 basin: Meuse]( * [reporting schedule 2010: XSD Files]( [See this page on](
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