Restricted areas of the FERRIERES-SUR-ARIEGE land use plan

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.06 06:49
Available languages
pos, donnees-ouvertes, planning-cadastre, usage-des-sols, passerelle-inspire
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Dataset description

POS rendered obsolete (Article L 174-3 of the code de l' urban planning).Return to the RNU since 27/03/2017. The regulated zoning of the land use plan (POS) is digitised in accordance with the national requirements of the CNIG. In a POS there are two main types of restricted zones: urban areas (U) and natural areas (N).These areas are delimited on one or more graphic documents. A settlement is attached to each zone. The regulation may lay down different rules, depending on whether the purpose of the constructions concerns the habitation, l' hotel accommodation, offices, commerce, l' handicrafts, l' industry, l' agricultural or forestry operations or the function of #x27; warehouse. Zones U and N are themselves divided according to existing or future developments. Thus in urban areas: — AU zones indicate ancient urbanisation and dense tissue; — areas UB a recent urbanisation with mainly collective habitat; — the UC zones a recent urbanisation but with flag habitat; — the UJ zones the various areas of activity of the municipality. As regards natural areas: — the NA areas are referred to as future urbanisation, i.e. they can be developed at a later stage; — NB areas are natural areas partially serviced by equipment and in which there are constructions, but which are not planned to be further developed; — CN areas represent natural protected areas due to the agricultural value of the land or the richness of the soil or/or subsoil; — finally, ND areas are natural areas to be protected either because of the quality of the sites or because there are nuisances or risks. __Origin__ Reconstruction by digitalisation at the POS’s regulated paper zoning screen. Digitalisation follows the national requirements of the CNIG standard (October 2014). The cadastral geographical repository is the Parcellar BD provided by l'IGN. __Partner organisations__ DDT Ariège __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( * [CNIG POS-PLU October 2014]( * [basic URL of wms/wfs services on the Internet]( [See this page on](
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