Risk — 41DDT20040002 Leisses Crue Historique de la Sauldre en Loir-et-Cher

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:56
Available languages
geoscientific-information, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes, zones-a-risque-naturel, risque-inondation
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Representation of the historical flood leashes of the Sauldre. — Flood leash: ephemeral trace left by water during a flood that gives information on the level of water reached. — Flood mark: mark made by l' man to materialise the level reached by a flood (painting, metal plate, sealed macaron, engraved inscription, etc.). . __Origin__ 01/12/2008 Exploitation of old applications files for the creation of agricultural water deductions Verification and digitisation on Orthophoto 2006 Layer made by the Service Env, Water and Forest of the DDAF31 — file followed by Maryse GANNE. N#x27; only the plans of EXISTANT water appear. __Partner organisations__ DDT Loir-et-Cher __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view](http://ogc.geo-ide.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/csw/all-dataset?REQUEST=GetRecordById&SERVICE=CSW&VERSION=2.0.2&RESULTTYPE=results&elementSetName=full&TYPENAMES=gmd:MD_Metadata&OUTPUTSCHEMA=http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd&ID=fr-120066022-jdd-01fdd59b-d749-42b2-bd86-711f6a5c996c) * [COVADIS data standard: Fresh water plan by its centroid](http://geostandards.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/afficherPageStandard.do?jeu=N_PLAN_EAU_P) [See this page on geo.data.gouv.fr](https://geo.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/dc2d13a2ac37ef8e7814dd015be71b6b1b759d56)
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