Road counting — History — Traffic data from permanent sensors

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.05.27 15:34
Available languages
dvd, transport, trafic, mobilite-et-espace-public, voiture, mobilite, comptage-routier, circulation
Quality scoring

Dataset description

**Historical road traffic data from permanent sensors** **from 2014 to year A-1.** This dataset corresponds to the history of the current year [_Road count — Traffic data from permanent sensors_]( On the Paris network, traffic measurement takes place mainly through electromagnetic loops installed in the roadway. The data is produced by the Directorate of Roads and Travel — Travel Service — Lutèce Central Operating Post. The data and associated visualisations (Table, Map and Dataviz) are raw without any interpretation or analysis. They show the data as published on a daily basis. They provide an overview of the occupancy rate and flow rate on more than 3000 stretches of track. On their own, they do not make it possible to characterise the complexity of traffic in Paris. ** ** **Two types of data are thus developed:** * **the occupancy rate**, which corresponds to the time of vehicle presence on the loop as a percentage of a fixed time interval (one hour for the data provided). Thus, 25 % occupancy rate over one hour means that vehicles were present on the loop for 15 minutes. The rate provides information on road congestion. The implantation of the loops is designed in such a way as to be able to deduce, from a point measurement, the state of traffic on an arc. * **the flow rate** is the number of vehicles that have passed the counting point for a fixed time interval (one hour for the data provided). **The time stamp is carried out at the end of the development period on the basis of the Europe Paris — Berlin UTC + 1 time zone** For example, the time stamp “2019-01-01 01:00:00” refers to the period from 1 January 2019 to 00h00 to 1 January 2019 at 01:00. Thus, one-point observation of occupancy and throughput makes it possible to characterise traffic. This is one of the foundations of traffic engineering, and it is also referred to as the “fundamental chart”. A throughput can correspond to two traffic situations: fluid or saturated, hence the need for the occupancy rate. For example: over one hour, a flow rate of 100 vehicles per hour on a usually very busy axis can occur at night (fluid traffic) or during rush hour (saturated traffic). **The equipment of the Parisian network:** The main axes of the City of Paris are equipped with vehicle counting stations and the measurement of occupancy rates, for both traffic regulation and public transport purposes, information to users (broadcast on the Sytadin site), and study. There are two types of stations on the network: stations for measuring the occupancy rate alone, and stations for both rate measurement and counting of vehicles. The rate measuring stations are set up very regularly: they allow a thorough knowledge of traffic conditions. Flow stations are less numerous, and generally located between the main intersections. In fact, the flow is usually kept on a section between two large crossroads. ** ** **The benchmark:** The repository is available on this dataset _[Road Count — Geographic Reference]( with the following features: * Encoding: UTF-8 * Projection: EPSG:2154 (Lambert 93 — RGF93) The fields awarded are: see the data template below and the attached package leaflet. ** ** **Traffic data:** The fields awarded are: see the data template below and the attached package leaflet. ** ** **To access data download attachments associated with this dataset below**
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