Road map — Waterways

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.11.10 11:10
Available languages
pvp, canaux, seine, dvd, mobilite-et-espace-public
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Waterway right-of-way — bee — lock — basin — branch line — service space. **The Paris Road Plan:** The Paris Road Plan (PVP) is intended for the technical instruction of projects on public roads, in accordance with the road regulations in force. The digital road plan of Paris’ surface consists of elementary joint planes known as mosaic pavements. Each mosaic pavement is a topographic computer graphic file at 1/200th, they are assembled here. **Leveling and planimetric coordinate system** The altitude system (City of Paris) is based on the NGF-LGerman orthometric system. The original planimetric cordata system is the Lambert I (54) City of Paris, re-projected in RGF93 — Lambert 93 (WKID 2154) in the City’s information system, then in the international coordinate system WGS84 Web MarCator Auxiliary Sphere (WKID 3857). For this reason, the data presented here cannot be the subject of topographical work. Leveling markers or surface plans located in the geographical area of interest can be obtained every working day from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., except on Wednesdays, from the City of Paris Road Plans Division. 12, Place de la Porte de Vanves 75014 PARIS Tel. — Messaging: [](mailto: ). The road plan projection system is being revised and the leveling plan is being maintained. **The graphical charter and frequency of update** Each object in the public space is represented by a symbol referenced in the topographic chart, Standard Book in attachment. Public domain stakeholders are required to forward their remedial plans to the Highway Plans Division (TPD) within a maximum of 21 working days after completion of the work. The latter controls and draws up the Plan sur Ville de Paris. The volume of changes in public space in recent years does not guarantee the exhaustive updating of the 60 layers of thematic data across the whole of Paris. Despite everything in order to take into account the latest developments in the Road Plan, the data is updated monthly on the Paris Data platform.
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