Sampling points associated with inland surface water quality measurement stations (STQs) — Guadeloupe

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.17 06:38
Available languages
dce, passerelle-inspire, guadeloupe, environment, qualite-de-leau, eau-de-surface, directive-cadre-eau, station, france, politique-de-lenvironnement, donnees-ouvertes
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The sampling point is a characteristic and representative subspace for the <#x27; object that has been defined to it from the station, which is clearly identified and localised in order to repetitively perform measurements for a thorough knowledge of the environment at #x27; location of the station. The sampling points are also the places on the station where the collector will be required, as far as possible, to take his samples or measurements in situ. A sampling point can be sampled from different media, inert or biological (Water, sediment, diatoms, macrophytes, macro-invertebrates,...). Each sampling point may belong to one or more measurement networks and be the object of #x27; one or more uses for each of which the period(s) of #x27; membership will be specified. Each point is identified and located by the body(s) in charge of managing the measuring station. This information is administered by the Water Agencies and is the responsibility of the owner(s) of the measurement networks or uses to which the station is attached. __Origin__ The data disseminated are collected by SANDRE from producers (Agences de l&#x27;eau et Offices de l & ##x27;Eau). __Partner organisations__ Ash, Office of l&#x27;Eau de la Guadeloupe __Links annexes__ * [see scenario of #x27; data exchange &amp;quot; Dissemination of repositories by Sandre&quot; version 3.1]( * [consult the data dictionary &amp;Station for measuring the quality of continental surface waters&quot; version 2.2]( * [data download — XML Format](;SANDREv3.1&amp;compress&#x3D;true&amp;filter&#x3D;$CdStationMesureEauxSurface~%27^07\w%2B%27%20or%20$CdStationMesureEauxSurface~%27^DS\w%2B%27) [See this page on](
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