School map of public colleges (cuts)

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.07.22 08:32
Available languages
cartographie, education, colleges, enseignement-formation, sectorisation
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The map of the sectorisation of the public colleges of Hauts-de-Seine allows you to quickly know the sector college associated with a section of road. * * * In the Versailles Academy, the Yvelines Department and the Val d’Oise Department benefit from a comprehensive mapping solution for managing and consulting the school sectorisation of colleges. This solution, aimed at families and partners, makes it possible to disseminate very widely reliable and accessible information on the sectorisation of colleges, competence of the Departments. For the Directorate of Education, Citizenship and Colleges (DECC), the challenge of this project was to propose a similar scheme on Hauts-de-Seine within the framework of the Unified Directorate and thus replace the current solution with a complete mapping application. A finer geographical data based on the wireline of roads/streets, a real management mesh of school sectorisation, has been created to visualise and manipulate the data as closely as possible. The Department’s school sectorisation solution is based on two separate modules: * A school sector management module for in-house DECC; * A module to consult the school map of colleges for the general public. On the basis of the official sectorisation data provided by the DECC (stopped) and the wireline of streets from the IGN topographic database (BD Topo), the SIG and Open data teams, have made the sections of streets reliable in order to assign to each of them its connecting college. They then set up a management web mapping application based on the Department’s GIS solutions. Through it, the DECC can reliable the data and refine the school map according to the evolution of the territory: new college, new neighborhood, evolution of the student population, etc. The interactive map for the general public exploits all the data thus reliable and refined. This school map of the public colleges of Hauts-de-Seine allows families to quickly and simply know the college of attachment of their children. **Special observations** The map is provided as an indication and only the deliberation voted by the Conseil Départemental des Hauts-de-Seine is enforceable. The information presented relates to the school year 2022-2023. The school map is updated each year according to the evolution of the sectorisations of the colleges. **Related links** Link to the general public web application of the school map [School map of public colleges]( **Related data** Link to College Dataset [Public and Private Colleges](
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