Scope of application of urban planning documents in force in the department of Paris

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2020.02.27 06:38
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boundaries, passerelle-inspire, usage-des-sols
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Dataset description

The table L_DOCUMENT_URBANISME_075 defines the perimeters of application of the Paris local urban plan and the plans for safeguarding and enhancing the Marais and the VIIth arrondissement. Although it is not strictly a planning document, it also identifies the heritage of the Luxembourg garden, in which the urban planning rules are not laid down by any of the three documents mentioned above but by the competent authorities of the Senate. In Paris, urban planning regulations are governed by three enforceable documents: — The local urban planning plan (PLU) of the City of Paris, succeeding the land use plan, approved by a deliberation of the Paris Council of 12 and 13 June 2006. It applies throughout Paris, including the Bois de Boulogne and Vincennes, with the exception of the two protected areas and the Luxembourg Garden; — The Safeguarding and Development Plan (PSMV) of the remarkable heritage site of the Marais (parts of the 3 rd and 4th arrondissements), approved by interministerial decree of 23 August 1996 and revised by Prefectural Decree No 2013352 of 18 December 2013; — The Safeguarding and Development Plan (PSMV) of the remarkable heritage site of the 7th arrondissement (part of the 7th arrondissement), approved by interministerial decree of 26 July 1991 and revised by Prefectural Decree No. 75-2016-08-09-002 of 9 August 2016. The perimeter corresponding to the Luxembourg garden heritage, managed by the Senate, falls under Article 76 of Law No. 2003-590 of 2 July 2003 on urban planning and housing (the urban planning rules are laid down by the competent authorities of the Senate). __Origin__ BD Carto. Each municipality informed about 4 types of ' challenges (water pollution by phytos, l' soil erosion, biodiversity and reduction of water withdrawals). __Partner organisations__ Regional and interdepartmental direction of equipment and equipment; development Île-de-France — Paris Departmental Unit [See this page on](
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