Scope of Collective Management (PGC) — Métropole

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.09.11 06:38
Available languages
perimetre-de-gestion-collective, zonage, france, metropole, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes, inland-waters, politique-de-lenvironnement
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Dataset description

The Collective Management Perimeter (CMP) is a part of the territory in which the authorisation of sampling of irrigation water* is issued for a period and a resource given to a Single Organisation (OU) of Collective Management. The collective management of irrigation withdrawals, explained by Decree 2007-1381 of 24 September 2007 (arts. R211-111 to 211-117 and R214-31-1 to 5), aims to promote collective management of water resources on a coherent hydrological and/or hydrogeological perimeter. This includes entrusting the distribution of volumes of water d' irrigation to a single organisation (OU), a legal person governed by public law or private law, which by its designation represents the irrigants on a given perimeter adapted. L' global authorisation for the sampling of water for irrigation, on the perimeter concerned, is issued to this OR. If an OR is designated on more than one PGC it is not possible for it to pool the levies between these different perimeters. The founding regulatory text of the PGC is l' departmental decree designating the U.S. It specifies on which resource(s) l'OU is created. It also defines global allowable sampling volumes for a given resource and period. For a given decree, periods do not overlap. They must be joined. __Origin__ Updated on the basis of information provided by the services of the State __Partner organisations__ Ash, French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB) __Links annexes__ * [see Sandre definition of concept: Scope of Collective Management (PGC)( * [see Dictionary & Regulation Zones For the Environment (ZRPE)" on the Sandre website]( * [genealogy of collective management perimeters](énéalogie_PGC.csv) [See this page on](
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