Secondary reserves of EDF SA production plants

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2022.11.02 12:52
Available languages
thermique-a-flamme, reserve-secondaire, mix-de-production, nucleaire
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Dataset description

#### Summary: Secondary reserves of flame-fired nuclear and thermal power plants of EDF SA. ##### Detailed explanation of the secondary reserve mechanism: At all times, production must be equal to consumption. RTE ensures this balance in real time and takes account of the contingencies of consumption or production (weather, availability of production stock, etc.). To maintain the balance between supply and demand, RTE must have at every moment an adjustable power reserve, both upwards and downwards. There are three types of reservations that can be requested successively: * Reserves that can be activated automatically: frequency system services, which break down into the primary reserve and the secondary reserve * Reserves that can be activated manually: the adjustment mechanism that constitutes the tertiary reserve To build up these reserves, a European integrated balancing market has been created. Its main axes are defined in the European Electricity Balancing Regulation which describes the technical, operational and commercial rules for the acquisition of balancing capacities, the activation of balancing energy and their financial regulation. Source of explanation:
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