Sectors selected under the SCAP in Pays de la Loire

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.01.20 06:39
Available languages
pays-de-la-loire, passerelle-inspire, dreal, sites-proteges, faune-flore, environment, donnees-ouvertes, milieux-naturels, open-data
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Strategy for the Creation of Protected Areas (SCAP) aims to improve the quality of the network of protected areas and enables to inform projects for the creation of regional protected areas in order to respond to national challenges in the field of biodiversity protection. The objective is thus to boost the development of the network of protected areas by placing, by 2019, at least 2 % of the metropolitan land territory under strong protection (national park heart, biotope or geotope protection order, national and regional nature reserve, biological reserve). Following a study conducted by the services of the DREAL with the help of the Regional Scientific Council of Natural Heritage (CSRPN), the State services have built a regional atlas of the territories at stake for the conservation of biodiversity. From a “scientificly well-founded” list of regional issues (species, habitats, sites of geology), this atlas highlights priority territories. __Origin__ The criterion chosen is the presence, in each territory at stake for the conservation of biodiversity, of ' species belonging to the SCAP regional list. The methodology adopted is therefore based on the principle of n°#x27; a grid map of the regional distribution of species belonging to the SCAP regional list (georeferenced infra-communal precision data). The meshes were then aggregated into sectors after addition and removal of meshes by CSRPN experts. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Pays de la Loire [See this page on](
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