Servitudes A7: Protected forest protection zones (benchmarks) — Haute-Garonne

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.02.29 06:40
Available languages
planning-cadastre, passerelle-inspire, donnees-ouvertes
Quality scoring

Dataset description

May be classified as protected forests, due to public utility: — woods and forests whose conservation is recognised as necessary to maintain land on the mountains and on slopes, to defend against avalanches, erosions and invasions of water and sand; — woods and forests located on the outskirts of large agglomerations; — woods and forests in areas where they are maintained; imposes either for ecological reasons or for the well-being of the population. Protected forests are subject to a special forest regime as regards, in particular, management and rules of ' exploitation, the exercise of grazing and rights of #x27; use, excavation and extraction of materials as well as research and #x27; exploitation of water resources by public authorities or their delegates. Classification as a protected forest prohibits any change in the use or mode of land use; land use which may compromise the conservation or protection of afforestation. A bondage is the spatial field (i.e., the geographical area) to the #x27; within which s' applies the servitude. This space field can be defined either in 2D or 3D in particular in the specific cases of airport release easements, protection easements of radio transmission centres. __Origin__ Source: Geo-IDE Distribution (July 2016) __Partner organisations__ DDT Haute-Garonne __Links annexes__ * [XML metadata view]( [See this page on](
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