Shellfish production areas of the Côtes d’Armor

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.01.24 13:07
Available languages
farming, donnees-ouvertes, conchyliculture, cotes-d-armor, zonage, coquillages, bretagne, passerelle-inspire
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Dataset description

Contours of shellfish production areas defined by the prefectural decree of 13/07/2012, distinguished according to their group (II and III) and according to their health classification (A, B,C,D). L' Decree is available on the Prefecture website. This classification covers live shellfish production areas and areas where there is a professional activity of foot fishing. It distinguishes the shells of Group II (feeding bivalves) from the shells of group III (non-foaming bivalves). Shells of group I (gasteropods, echinoderms and tunicates) are not covered by the provisions of this Order. NB: the group is indicated in the Type of attributes column. Unless there is a derogation, the classification of these zones requires a reduction of 500 m for the application of livestock manure on agricultural land in accordance with the requirements laid down in the ICPE rules or by the 4th action programme adopted pursuant to the Nitrates Directive. In the case of holdings belonging to classified installations, except for derogations, a reduction of 500 m shall also be imposed for the construction of livestock buildings and their annexes. __Origin__ Digitisation carried out by DDTM22, Delegation to the Sea and Coast, Coastal Service, Marine Cultures Pole. __Partner organisations__ DREAL Bretagne, DDTM Côtes-d'Armor __Links annexes__ * [prefectural Order]( [See this page on](
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