Shellfish production or park areas — Métropole

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2020.10.23 06:38
Available languages
parcage, zonage, conchyliculture, donnees-ouvertes, passerelle-inspire, france, metropole, zone-protegee, directive-2000-60-ec, production, politique-de-lenvironnement, inland-waters
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Shellfish production areas are identified under the European Hygiene Package (EC/854/2004) and the Decree of 21 May 1999 on the health classification and surveillance of production areas and relaying areas of live shellfish. All the shellfish production areas (farming and professional fishing areas) are thus subject to a health classification, defined by prefectural decree. It shall be established on the basis of analyses of the shellfish present: microbiological analyses using Escherichia coli (E. coli) as an indicator of contamination (in number of E. coli per 100 g of flesh and intermediate liquid — CLI) and determination of contamination of heavy metals (lead, cadmium and mercury), expressed in mg/kg of wet flesh. The classification and monitoring of shellfish production areas distinguishes three groups of shellfish in terms of their physiology: — group 1: gastropods (bulots etc.), echinoderms (sea urchins) and tunicates (violets); more generally wild shells of natural deposits, — group 2: burrowing bivalves, i.e. filter bivalve molluscs whose habitat consists of sediments (palourds, hulls, etc.); more generally wild shells of natural deposits, — group 3: non-foaming bivalves, i.e. other filter bivalve molluscs (oysters, mussels, etc.); more generally seashells d' breeding. This concept is quite distinct from that of ' Conchylicole Water Quality Zone'. The contour of the shellfish production area does not correspond to the shellfish cadastre (= cadastre of marine culture establishments). __Origin__ Updated on the basis of information provided by the services of the State __Partner organisations__ International Office of Water (OIEAU), Departmental Directorates of Territories and Sea (DDTM), Service d' National Administration of Data and Repositories on Water (Sandre), French Agency for Biodiversity (AFB) — Pôle de Vincennes (ex National Office of Water and Aquatic Environments) __Links annexes__ * [Atlas of shellfish zones]( * [consult the Dictionary & Technical and Regulatory Zones of the Water Domain (ZON)" on the Sandre siteConsult documentation on Sandre website]( * [Sandre compliance checks]( [See this page on](
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