SHS research staff of major public research organisations, by activity discipline, body/category of staff

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Dataset information

Country of origin
2021.11.17 06:54
Available languages
epst, emplois-de-r-d, emploi-scientifique, charges-de-recherche, isbl, tbes, etablissements-a-caractere-industriel-et-commercial, personnels, personne-physique, contrats, education, formation, recherche, ita, doctorant, organismes, personnel-de-soutien, shs, tableau-de-bord-avance, institutions-sans-but-lucratif, fondations-reconnues-dutilite-publique, chercheurs, enseignement, r-d, dr, sciences-humaines-et-sociales, directeurs-de-recherche, statut, cr, contractuel, permanents, etablissements-publics-a-caractere-scientifique-et-technologique, frup
Quality scoring

Dataset description

This dataset presents the SHS research staff of the main public research organisations, by activity discipline, body/category of staff; 2014-2020. The data come from the annual “Advanced Scientific Employment Scoreboard” survey of the main research organisations: the 6 public scientific and technological establishments (EPST), the 6 main industrial and commercial research establishments (EPIC: CEA — Civil, CIRAD, CNES, IFREMER, IFPEN and ONERA) and the Instituts Pasteur-Paris and Curie (the two main non-profit institutions, ISBL, still called FRUP — recognised foundations of public utility). Bringing together 96 % of the staff of research organisations, the survey makes it possible to establish representative changes in employment and job flows across organisations. These data relate to the number of incumbent and contract staff at the research level of the EPSTs (excluding IFSTTAR), the six main research EPICs (excluding BRGM) and the Institut Pasteur and Curie. Included are DR, CR, IR, engineers and executives, PhD students. Following revisions of trade agreements, the responses of the CNES and the Institut Pasteur present changes in the distribution of support staff among researchers: for CNES, between 2017 and 2018, for the Institut Pasteur, between 2016 and 2017.
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